You Get What You Ask For.

Hey everyone!!

So something has been on my heart for close to a month. And I know I been a little (OK, maybe more than a little) disobedient by not posting it sooner. Because God gave it to me quite a while ago.

Living life as a saved woman who has been hurt by so many people has not been the easiest. But it sure has been a learning journey that I would not change. One thing I never realized (maybe even until right now, now that I think about it) is that all these years, since giving myself to God, I have been fighting in giving up "Control". When "Control" is truly my biggest asset. I Control what I believe. I control how far I WANT to go in this walk. I Control if i'm going to allow someone else or their actions to take me from this journey. I Control what REALLY matters.

With that being said, I can say that with a change of heart, one thing that I've gotten so much better at Controlling, has been my mouth. So many people from my past can tell stories of the woman I USED to be. The woman that would cuss you out. The woman who would tell you about yourself, and tell others about you too. My mouth was a fire-pit of useless words.

But one thing I can say that I have truly learned is, THERE IS TRULY POWER IN MY WORDS. But here is where so many people have had so much of a struggle. Including me. It took me a long time to really get this. But I can tell you that it IS possible. No matter what you look like right now. You are all children of a most Powerful God. He loves you all so much. And wants to give you all an abundance of love, mercy, grace, skill, gifts, prosperity, peace, health, and anything else you can think of. He WANTS to give you all these things. He is TRYING to give it to you, but you have your mind trained to only "see" what you see with your eyes. You won't trust what your heart and your Faith "sees" in the spirit.

I can see that you need an example, I have a child who is dealing with some things right now. In the natural, with my eyes, I see this child acting a fool. This child is going through some serious emotions all of a sudden. And this child is doing some really crazy things. I could say this child is sick. I could say this child is a pain. I can say this child is rebellious. I could say this child is being a disobedient brat. But fact of the matter is, I need to call this child by what my spirit sees. I see a child that ministers to other teens. I see a child that lifts other kids to their callings as well. I see an evangelist. I can darn near see a Pastoral anointing. No, this does not mean that I ignore what this child is doing wrong. I still have to be a parent. But if I tell him or anyone else that he is being blah blah blah.... then blah blah blah is what he will become. But if I always speak life to him and about him, then what I say is what will happen.

Need another example?

OK. So, my husband was not always the vision of glory that he is now. He, just like me, needed some work. He needed to walk this walk just like I did. He needed to find things out just like I did. And he needed grow at his own pace just like I did. If you asked, he would tell you himself that I grew at a much faster rate than he did. And it's not to say that he is or is not saved, because he is. I just dove in further than he did. But in that jump, there were things I grew out of that he was not yet out of. For example, I no longer wanted to be so negative about life or about people anymore. It actually was and continues to be a very big pet peeve to me. People that are critical of other people. That was something that for a long time really bugged me. But in order to help in breaking that chain in him, I had to (in addition to pray for him) make sure that I spoke life to him.

By this, I do not mean nagging him about how he is supposed to speak now that he is saved and throwing bible scriptures about the right and wrongs of saved living. But I called him what I saw in him. For example, there was one day that he rocked that last nerve of mine... (again) and this time it was right before I left the house with the girls to go to church. He went to the early service, as did I. But left after first service to go home. I stayed for second service. That day our Pastor spoke on Seeing beyond what you See. Especially in your marriage. And that day, through all my tears as she was teaching, I saw a clear vision of my love, standing before me, wearing a crown, and it was wonderful. It was a huge crown. He was a king. My Reggie, In My Eyes, In My Heart, In My Faith was a King!!! It broke me because I was so upset at him all morning. After service I could not get home fast enough. When I got home I ran in the house and he was standing in front of the tv (may have been football season because he doesn't stand in front of the tv often LOL), I ran over to him threw my arms around his neck and cried and told him that he is my king. He had NO idea what was going on or what I was talking about. As you can imagine. All he could say to that was Ooooooook.

I told him about service and how I was impacted so much and tried to explain through my tears that God gave me a vision of him and he was wearing a crown!! He was a king in my eyes!!! That's all I needed to know. Now, yes, he still gets on my nerves from time to time. As I do to him also. Lets be real. It's not always happy happy joy joy in marriage. But I can't let myself speak negative of him. I have CONTROL of that. He is my king, and that is what I believe God has anointed him to become. No, God did not tell me the details of the journey that he will have to take in order to become that king. No, God did not tell me if there is anything that will affect me or hurt me in the process of building Reggie's testimony. BUT, I CHOOSE (because I can control my choices, remember?) to believe that God has already set that path in motion, and God already has the journey paved out that Reggie will have to take. I CHOOSE to believe that what happens in our lives is necessary to get what God requires out of Reggie and out of me.

So, If I am talking with my sisters and I say "this man is negative, full of foolishness, doing x, x, and x and i'm getting tired of it." then that is what I will get. A man that is negative full of foolishness, doing x, x, and x, and you will eventually break up "because you are tired of it". But if you can find the strength, to look past what your see with your eyes, like I had to do at times. And begin to speak life, whether it's to your friends, family, or yourself in the mirror (because lets be real, sometimes in order to get past the pain you're carrying, you need to tell yourself too)

"My husband is a Mighty Man of God and he is getting better. He is Strong and Courageous and becoming stronger. He is Saved and He is Holy and becoming a more Holy example to our family. He is a Man that is being used by God for a Mission bigger than he can ever understand. My husband is a man full of Wisdom and Love for His family and that love grows more every day. My husband is becoming a Godly example to the young men he comes in contact with. My Marriage is becoming a positive example of hope, love, patience, honesty and reverence for newlyweds everywhere." 

Thinking and speaking this way is not about lying. And it's not about convincing yourself of "the impossible". It is about speaking out loud what your faith is saying. What your hopes and desires truly are. And your faith does not speak lies. And your hopes are real. Do this as much as possible in your impossible place. After a while, you'll see a difference begin to happen. Yes it will take some time. And YES there will be some times you DON'T WANT TO say it, or you CAN'T say it because what you see is something truly that strong or has affected you that much. I've been there. And I've had to stop and try to speak life through the tears. I've had to speak life into the atmosphere about the very thing that had broken my heart. Whether it was the husband, the kids, the parents, the siblings, or just life.

So as you see, you really do get what you ask for. But, lets stop and think. What are you really asking for?

I love you all so very much! Be Blessed!!!


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