The Parenting Struggle...It Has Rewards!

(Background audio's beats credited to Lecrae - Just Like You,  Video Below)

Good Morning Family,

For the last few weeks every time I go to church I had not realized that when I arrived, before service started or during Praise and Worship, i'd always glance over to the teens. These are some awesome kids. They are all sophomores to seniors in high school. They always sit together. They take up a whole row. It's about 8-10 of them. But something about these teens. They aren't your average teens. I've watched some of these teens grow. And I am extremely close with the mom of one of them. These kids are singers, musicians, athletes and even dancers. They are your average teens. But also NOT your average teens.

Most teen clicks have some kids that drive or have their own cars. These teens are no different. But what i find so awesome about these kids is, they even carpool together to come to church. I mean, you see the parents at church and they may come to the 830am service and they leave the teens at home to get a little extra sleep. But these teens, the ones that are able to carpool will ALWAYS show up on time in their clusters. It's just awesome and different to see.

They are the example that God needed me to see in these last few weeks in order to remind us all to just continue to pray over our kids and continue to have that faith. To have faith that our kids can be an inspiration to someone else. To have faith that our kids won't make the same mistakes that we made. To have faith that they won't get trapped in the many sins that are out there right now. To have faith that God is with them throughout every step they take while they are away at school or in the mall or anywhere else.

These kids are individuals and so very different. And the fact that my kids are just as different as each of them gives me hope. The fact that the one teen that I know used to be just as troubled and lost as one of my kids gives me hope. That particular boy is such a worshiper now and doesn't care who is watching when he feels the need to give God some serious praise. He is a senior in high school this year and is an awesome student and already knows what he wants to do in life and has chosen the college he wants to go to. Just knowing the history of that one teen is such an inspiration for me.

I have heard a few of these teens pray. I have seen them them pull bible passages and scriptures in relation to certain topics and give you their interpretation and what they are trying to teach through it as if it was part of their school history report. These kids are just amazing. They are a true inspiration to me.

They remind me that even though this Parenting thing can be such a STRUGGLE!!!!! The hard work pays off and It Has Rewards.

I pray you all find some teens to look at to inspire you when your parenting life seems to be crazy. I love you all and be blessed!!!


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