So You Think You All High & Mighty Now??? Part 2

Hi Everyone, So the last time I posted, we talked about you having the victory in being able to succeed in your journey to be more Christ-like, even when it seems like the negativity from others seem to continue to follow you no matter what. And we covered how as you are going through this adjustment and renewing of your mind, there will be people that will call you "High and Mighty" even though it is not true. But before you fly off the handle in defense of yourself, remember the following scripture:

Matthew 5:11-12 NLT
“God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.

So when it happens, don't you faint. Don't fuss. Don't lose what you have gained. Some people will not understand. And that's ok. You pray for them when you are in your prayer closet. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal himself to them, as He did for you. Pray for them to have their own personal Damascus Road experience. Because you, in your own renewing of your mind, may not have the strength to reason with certain minds without losing yourself in the midst. Those are the times you need to protect your mind until you are strong. And sometime strong is just the way you can say "Oh, wow. I see how you can think that way. It's cool that we don't agree." And you can end the conversation. Remember it's not your responsibility to have the defend the Gospel. For the Gospel is so solid that It truly defends Itself.

Now lets talk about our not-so-positive friends and family that do accept your renewed mind. But always have something negative to say to you about something or someone. I want to tell you that you have to try to avoid/limit the interactions with them. And to be honest, its easier to do with friends more than it is with family. It's hard to shut family out or down. So lets start with the family that is NOT the closest.

First think I want you all to remember is IT'S OK TO LOVE OUR FAMILY FROM FAR. Even the ones you really were tight with. The old ride or die people. But if you want to really solidify your renewed mind, sometimes a little separation is going to be necessary. Now what about when you do have that personal interaction on the phone or in person? Well that's what we will briefly talk about. You can only keep YOUR mouth and YOUR speech holy. And you need to get it settled in your mind, that you don't have to have a response to everything that is said. Even the smallest word can incite that you agree with what's being said when in your heart you don't. Let say, for example, (and I don't know if this situation is true for anyone that may be reading this, so please don't think anything) that a dear cousin comes to you to visit for a little while cause they are bored. Lets say they start talking about how cousin such-n-such started going to church, and now they think they are all high and mighty but they saw that cousin at the club last weekend. Lets say they start talking about their "contradiction" of holiness. That is a conversation that is easy to get mentally dragged into. But it's a conversation that is rooted in judgment AND gossip. Now, your cousin has already started talking to you about how they feel about this situation and you are starting to feel some type of way because they are really being judgmental. The simple way to handle it is to remember your own humility. My own response to that kind of situation would be "I can't talk about anyone cause I had my own process to go through, and my own flesh to fight. I'm sure if you tried this road, you may have some flesh to fight too." With that, all you are doing is acknowledging that we ALL try, and we ALL go through a process. It's not a negative response. But if your really NEED to give a response, just watch the words, and you'll be ok. If you don't really want to say anything at all about it, you can always distract yourself with something and just acknowledge what they are saying. But don't say anything in return. No wow's. No goodness's. No I can't believe that's. Nothing. My usual response is I nod my head and make the "ah" sound. And that's it. As soon as there is a break in the conversation, I will change the subject. But at times, I may keep in mind what was told to me so that I can take that to my prayer closet to pray for direction for cousin such-n-such or for whatever the Holy Spirit puts in my heart to pray for them. I hope this gives you some ideas on how to deal with the negativity that may come from the non-immediate family.

My next post, I pray, will give you some direction on how to deal with the possible negativity from your own immediate family. 

I pray you all have a blessed day! I love you all!! 


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