Snow White and the 7... sins (continued)

Hi Family,

So on Friday I told you about a couple of things. My love for Disney movies (don't judge people!) and 7 sins per the world and then the 7 per The Word. So since the Lord brought me to the 7 sins per the world first, we are going to follow His lead. His way is best right?

So after thinking about the seven dwarfs and the 7 deadly sins... I thought about the characteristics about those sins. And how they are in us, but we don't see them. Maybe not all of the sins, maybe only one. Maybe you are so absolutely faithful and perfect in life that you have none. But for the majority of us, myself included, we have at minimum one of the seven. They are sins that are hidden even from themselves, but like a mirror they can usually see their reflection in others.

For example, a prideful person cannot see the spirit of Pride or Arrogance in themselves. But they can see it in others. Because of these types of sins (which for MY OWN purposes, i'll call them behavioral sins, because like the seven dwarfs, they are descriptive on an attribute of a person) we fall so often into hypocrisy.

Matthew 7:3 NLT
"And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own?

A Gluttonous person does not feel they are gluttonous. They can justify themselves logically by saying "I only eat when I'm hungry." But if they see someone eating all the time, they will criticize them. 

And Envious person does not feel they are envious or jealous. They justify it by being overly driven to obtain what they saw someone else possess. Even if it's not something that they are called to be or have. But they can see all the signs of someone who is jealous of them or of someone they know.

A Lustful person doesn't feel they are lusting over anyone or anything. They admire or "see" things/people. Completely unaware of what is happening either in their body or their heart. But they constantly can identify the behaviors linked with lust in other people.

An Angry person doesn't feel they are angry. Like the gluttonous person, they can justify their emotions by saying something or someone annoyed them. But they usually refuse to consider themselves as an angry person.

A Greedy person will hardly consider themselves greedy. But they will call anyone else greedy who falls in the parameters they would recognize as greedy.

A Lazy or Slothful person will not, I repeat will not, (catching the self admittance there?) consider themselves lazy. This person can justify with physical feelings. This person usually feels tired, exhausted or worn down. When in all actuality they are unmotivated, indifferent or uninspired. This person can usually be on 100 on something they love and then they are a 2 on things that they feel "don't matter" or "don't make a difference". But when the shoe is on the other foot, they see it clearly in others.

Pride. Pride is actually the heart of all the mentioned sins above. Pride is the sin that does NOT allow the other sins to see themselves within you. Its the sin that fuels you to secretly keep the other sins that are already within you, and to hide the ones that you don't know about because they feel good (feed your flesh appetite). Pride does not let you see that you yourself are flawed. Pride does not let you see that you have not "Arrived". Pride does not let you see that you are not as good or pure as the image you present to the world. Pride makes you think you are higher than you truly are. Pride helps you justify your claim of not having a certain sin even though you have the presentations of the sin. Pride, if not recognized, can also give you a false sense of CONFIDENCE.

THAT is the reason why we fall so much and so often into Matthew 7:3. Seeing the sins in others without seeing the sins in ourselves first. Because our pride will not let us see it. What's the opposite of Pride? Humility. If you find yourself in any of those sins, start practicing Humility and you will slowly begin to see things differently.

Think on these things people. I love you all. Be Blessed.


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