That's It! I'm Done Taking L's

Good Morning Blessed Sons and Daughters of God!!!

Yesterday, let me tell you, I was exhausted. Physically, mentally, emotionally exhausted. I still had things that were trying to get under my skin, And to be real, I can't say I was all strong and mighty condemning things to hell or fighting back. I literally just looked and thought "hmm". And not to say I didn't have the energy to fight the negativity. But I just didn't have any fight left for the negativity. But THAT is where things turned around for me!! See, Walking this walk is NOT about having things going your way all the time. It's NOT about being blessed left and right. And it's NOT about being under a constant holy protection where nothing can harm you! It's about what your reaction is going to be when things do come.

That is called your display of your faith!! That is where you went from this big faith on Monday and you are able to fight anything that is coming your way. And you fight all the way through to Friday and you feel like you got depleted down to the last bit of hope that they talk about in Luke 8:43-44 with the woman that had the issue of blood. For those of you who don't know the scripture, here it is:

A woman in the crowd had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding, and she could find no cure. 44 Coming up behind Jesus, she touched the fringe of his robe. Immediately, the bleeding stopped.

So here is where this woman is. She has had an ongoing menstrual cycle for 12 YEARS STRAIGHT!!!!! No doctor had been able to help her. Many of us woman get anemic with a regular cycle. We are tired, we have to take vitamins before during and for a few extra days after just to function normally. We won't even talk about the hormonal mood swings! So I can imagine this poor woman. 12 Years. Whew!

But that is where her last bit of hope came in. She heard that Jesus was coming through town. And she pushed through the crowds desperately... I'm sure she had to be stressed out knowing this is her last hope... her last resort... she had no other fight left in her... She has already been fighting for 12 years. And in this last effort for her healing, for her blessing, all she could muster under her breath was "If i could just touch the hem of his robe I KNOW that i'll be healed!! I just need to get to Him."

That is the bit of hope that I know so many of you are at right now. You have nothing left. Sick and tired of fighting. Sick and tired of being Sick and Tired. Sick and Tired of taking these L's!!!! We all have to get like her. If i can just get to Jesus and touch the hem of His garment, my health issue will be healed. If I can touch the hem of His garment the Cancer will disappear. If i can just touch the hem of His garment my husband might change his ways. If i can just touch the hem of His garment my child might get their life together. If I can just tough the hem of His garment my Finances will line up with God's word and we won't suffer anymore. If I can just touch the hem of His garment I will find my safety.

Insert your need with touching the Hem of His garment!!!  You only have to have just enough faith and some "no one else can help me" faith and stay there and read and crawl and weave your way to Him somehow!! There is no big miraculous ritual that you have to do. I don't have to pray a million prayers. I don't have to have a series of cleansings that I have to do. I just have to say...

 God i'm sorry I messed up in how I handled these things all this time, but I don't know what to do now. I need YOU to fix it because I KNOW that You can! I know that you are the only one that has the power to make the things in my life line up to what Your word says. I know that only You have the power that can make my manager at work to respect me. I know that only You have the power to make a husband go from Saul to Paul. I know that only You have the power to make someone like Broke Simon become Rich Peter. Only You have the power to make my enemies bow down at my feet like you did for Joseph. God I don't need them to love me. My enemies don't even have to be my friend. God, I need you so badly to help me, that i'm willing to ask you to please bless them in the way that they never could be blessed on their own. Father I ask that would cause them to bow down and realize that YOU have been in control all this time. And if they don't give you the glory for it, God I will. I will know that it was YOU that blessed them. Don't harm my enemies God. Have mercy on them. They were as ignorant as I was, and if I'm able to turn from my nasty ways so can they. They just need a little more time. You had mercy on me, so please have mercy on them. I forgive them for what they did to me. Yes, it was wrong. I didn't deserve it. My family didn't deserve it. It hurt like none other, but God, I forgive them. I don't forgive them just so that you can see my heart change. But God, I forgive them, because I have a desperate need for you to forgive ME for all that I have done. And if I don't forgive those who have wronged me, how can you forgive me for wronging You. In Jesus Name.

So lets get done taking these L's in our marriages, in our children, in our finances, in our health. We have been getting our heads, hearts, and patience beat down by this devil and by life all this time. Tell me, what do you have to lose if you are already at rock bottom?? What else do you have to lose if you have already given this fight all you have left to give?

I don't know about you, but I'M DONE TAKING THESE L'S. Aint no more losses left for me to take. I got that Issue of Blood faith now. There is no other resort to go to. I'm trusting God to fix it all right now. GOD CAN AND WILL MAKE ALL THINGS LINE UP IN MY LIFE TO WHAT THE WORD SAYS. The reason that i can say that so boldy is because if i have nothing left, then the little i have left i'm putting ALL of it on the word. I have nothing else to fight with, and in the scales of life, ANY bit of Faith always outweighs anything that is on the other side!!!

Who's with me in this fight!!!????  Who is putting all their faith on the Word with me?? I will tell you that it won't come easy. You'll notice in the next few posts that i will have words of encouragement to keep you strengthened in this fight! The enemy is going to be mad that we are putting all our chips on the table!!!! And he will come at us, but it's all good BECAUSE IF GOD BE FOR US, NOTHING IN THIS WORLD OR IN THE NEXT OR IN HEAVEN OR IN HELL CAN COME AGAINST US!!!!!!


I love you all!!!!!! If you don't feel blessed, LETS GET BLESSED IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!!!


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