OMG! Them Jesus Freaks!!!!!!!!!!!

"I'm Sorry, It Just Don't Think It Take All That. You Just Doing Too Much."
"You Spending Way Too Much Time in The Church."
"Why You Giving The Church So Much Money!?"

Yup, I'm A Jesus Freak.

And proud of it too. I mean, I don't get what's so hard for people to understand those of us that are really devoted to God. I mean, I see where some confusion comes into play on some things. For example...

We tithe to our church. Why? Because it's scriptural. Don't believe me? Lets go straight to my favorite scripture about tithing:

Malachi 3:10
"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies, "I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take in! Try it! Put me to the test!" 

You already know that I always have a need for God to Prove that His word is true in MY life. So what have I got to lose? I would rather give to God (notice that I said to GOD, not to the church) and trust that God is directing the leaders of the church on how to be sure that the tithe money is always allocated appropriately. Yes, there are churches that don't follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, and maybe its not the place for you. But when you are getting great Teachings and you are feeling "at home" and you are confident that the management of funds is good, then you should feel pretty confident in giving your tithe at that church. If you aren't, then it's truly your own heart issue. And that is truly between you and God to fix. No counselor, chat or blog can help you fix that. We can help you identify, but we can't help you fix it.

The other point that people just don't understand us is, they think we are spending too much time doing things for the church. I can't speak about anyone else, so i'll speak about myself. I spend a lot of time serving with my church. Note my words, I serve WITH my church. I do nothing FOR my church. Doing things FOR my church would comprise of doing things for a bunch of people who are just like me. No offense to anyone, but, who are they?? They are not God. Everything I do at my church or with my church is FOR God. I serve on Praise and Worship FOR GOD. I serve on Hospitality FOR GOD. I serve in the nursery FOR GOD. Some may now say, "dang Ana, you serve a lot". Well, the way I feel it in my heart is that God GAVE a lot, just to have my heart and get me to finally turn my life over to Him. So I owe Him so much more. And if I can serve well in these places, even if it's going to require a little more time, or a little more effort, I feel like He deserves all that and more. Honestly, he deserves for my whole family to serve at full capacity. But until they are ready, i'll take on what I can.

So with that, if they call me a Crazy Jesus Freak, I say Heck Yea and Proud of it!!! And to all the other Crazy Jesus Freaks out there, I Tell You To Stand Up and Be Proud of the Work You Do In Your Service To The Lord!!!!!

Romans 15:17  NLT
So I have reason to be enthusiastic about all Christ Jesus has done through me in my service to God.

I Love You All and Be Blessed!!!!!!!


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