The Parenting Struggle Is Real
Thank God, He gave us a sense of Humor about Parenting.......

I will be the first to day, the parenting struggle is so very real. Even more-so with a blended family. It takes what seems like a lifetime to understand a child. It takes even longer to understand a child that is not biologically yours. And when you think you really got the understanding, there is a change and it throws everything out of whack again. And you are back to stage one. And sometimes the fact that you THOUGHT you had it, and then were sent tumbling back down the mountain to start the climb all over again can be the most emotionally draining, exhaustive thing. Because they are your children. Biologically or not. You want the best for them. You want them in perfect physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. If any of those things are not in line, it's a complete defeat to a parent. I know, I go up and down that mountain a whole lot. Every time I think I've got a handle on things and everyone is doing great, something else manages to hit the fan.
It seems like all your life growing up, you dream of the day you have kids. How everything is going to be so wonderful. You imagine how great your kids will turn out and how smart they will be (because after all, you've decided that you will be just as good if not a better parent than your parents were to you, no matter how good they were!). How they will get great grades, and do better things than you did when you were a kid. It's almost like your chance to redeem yourself from all the mistakes you made in your life, by raising awesome kids.
Then you have kids and those first 2 weeks with them are the amazingly euphoric times. You are head over heels, then you realize how tired you are getting. Those late night feedings are starting to wear you out. When you get a handle on that, you realize that you need to find the time to manage your home and somehow stay reasonably clean. Then you get to the school age and you realize it's much more expensive to prepare for school than it was when you were a kid! Then you hit the teen years and you realize the challenges these kids are having are WAAY worse than the ones you had growing up! And you finally fall to the ground in tears. You just can't take anymore. The hormones. The attitudes. The different personalities. The ego's. The drama. The scary incidences. And you finally say, What the heck was I thinking!! And you send your parents that long awaited message...
"Mom, Dad, I'm sorry for all mess put you through when I was a kid. I realize how disrespectful I was and I see that I did put you through so much. I love you both, and if we had to do it again, I don't want you to change a thing. I just pray that I learn better and sooner."
You can imagine the texts that you would get back. Some may say "Sounds like payback is going on." LOL Some may say "Sounds like a cry for help has finally hit." Whew! Some may say "Karma". Really?? Some may say "Just breathe and pray. That's what I had to do for you." Some may say "Just be patient with them. And don't lose it. It will be ok." (thanks mom).
The struggle is real ya'll. I know it. So for all of you going through the parenting struggle right now, no matter how long you have been a parent, you are NOT alone. We are all working this thing together. Don't give up. Be patient. Laugh when you can. Love them through and through regardless. And Pray Through It All.
I love you all. Be blessed!!!
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