So You Think You All High & Mighty Now?? Part 3

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long break! There was a lot going on. But I wanted to close out this topic here. God has been giving me a lot to relay to you all, but I don't want to confuse anyone by mixing up topics. :-)

So in part one, we all learned that we have the Victory against negativity. God tells us our end before our beginning and we just have to build our own faith enough to believe it, no matter what our own personal Journey into that Victory looks like.

In part two, I talked about ways that have helped me in how to deal with my "not so positive" family and friends that I don't necessarily have to deal with. Always remember, IT IS 100% OK to love some folk from far. You don't have to have them around, or even in your house in order to love them. And if you visit with them, you can put a time limit on it if you need to. There is always a way to handle it. Ask me, I'll tell you what I've done before.

Now, we'll talk about the hardest group of negativity you may come by. The ones in your home. This is not an easy group. For some it's a sibling or roommate you live with. For others its a spouse. For others an elderly family member that you may care for. Either way, it's in your home. The first think I have to say, is before you walk INTO your home, pray. Don't rush it. If it's raining, dog gone it, sit in your car another 2 minutes and please pray. And I don't mean the ones I used to say a lot. "Lord Jesus, give me the strength to deal with this foolishness that I'm sure I'm about to walk into. Control my nerves and my mouth Lord God. And if it gets to be too much, keep me from really hurting someone!" I mean a real prayer.

Lord God, thank you for provision that I have a home to go to, others don't have a home. Lord God thank you that even though my family is not perfect, I have a family that I can be an example for. Thank you Lord God that you have been slowly strengthening me for trials that are only meant to build me to be a better woman, and not meant to hurt me or kill my spirit or discourage me. Lord God before I enter into my home, I plead the blood of Jesus in and around every room, that there be peace. I know that you are in control and if anything starts to move in the wrong direction Lord, you are there to correct it and it's not for me to try to fix. Lord God, if something is proving to be more than I can handle I know that you will provide me a way of escape so I can breathe and come to you for help. For I know where my help comes from. I cast down any demons attempting to cause chaos in my home In the Name Of Jesus. They are fleeing as I speak the Name of Jesus over my home. This is the home of the seeds of Abraham and there is no room for the enemy here. I declare and decree that my home is free from negativity, foolishness, strife, backbiting, gossip and any other sinful speaking or behavior from this moment on. I loose Joy, Happiness, Love, Peace, Acceptance, and all good fruits of the spirit into my home right now. I speak all these things by the Power of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Now, I'm not saying that my prayer is any better than anyone else's. Those who know me well will tell you my prayers are so simple and I'm actually not one for group prayers or anything like that. But let me tell you that when my home, my family, my intimate group is involved or at risk, whether I'm not happy with someone inside there, I'm not going to play nice or gentle with that devil for nothing. He not going to just take over what God blessed me with. What I look like just letting the devil run rampid over the family that I prayed to have? What I look like just leaving the door open for the devil to exploit my family through negative speaking? What I look like just leaving the doors in my house open for the devil to come in, make his way to my children's bedrooms as they sleep, and whisper all sorts of demonic foolishness to them?! Oh No Sir/No Mam! The thought of it alone puts me in super fight mode! Oh No! You are not about to get to my family with none of that mess! Ain't NO room for your bulls tails in my home!

So, (now that I'm all fired up about keeping my home protected LOL) now you see, that's just step one. That just needs to be your routine when you are getting home. I don't care if you have to leave and come back 3, 4 or 5 times in a day. Do it each time. But you also need to pray as you leave your home as well. Plead good things to enter your home while you are gone. Plead the blood of Jesus to remain saturated throughout your home, working, driving out evil spirits even as you are gone, and keeping any new ones from entering. I mean, when the bugs get into your house, you call the Orkin man or buy some spray for pest control right? And he gives you or you buy a preventive to use to KEEP the bugs out right? Same difference. It's protection.

Now, lets just say after you have done all your praying and you are about to walk in your home and you end up bumping into that stubborn negativity. What then? That's when you get your internal spiritual Hannah and whisper a prayer. Someone might think you may be saying something a little less holy under your breath (because they are already in negative mode, and they still may see you as the person you USED to be) but that's ok, God knows what you are saying and that's what needs to matter to you. If someone comes at you with their rah rah about anything, you can let them vent. You don't have to say anything in response. I know, easier said than done. But my own mouth is living proof that it CAN be done. Even now, plenty of times, it will happen where I feel like I need to defend myself in something, and my flesh is about to jump into that fight. But then my spirit will get me in check REAL quick and shut my mouth before any full word really comes out. Yea, I want to say what my flesh wants to say! Cause it's the truth! But really, who would you be arguing with? Who will you be justifying or defending yourself to? Even if someone is trying to say something about the kids. Your natural mind would just be fighting with another natural mind.

A deep breath can do a lot for you to stay calm. The more you are able to NOT respond to the negativity that is being brought to you, the more disciplined you will become at rejecting it entirely in your home. Think of it this way, if you start arguing with someone over right and wrong, it's really like arguing one emotion over another emotion. What's the point? You have now just drained your energy. Cause lets be real, arguing is exhaustive. And the harder your argue to prove your defense or your point is more energy that you are wasting. Now you don't even have the energy to pray AND you are all fired up with your own negative feelings that you have caught from them because now you are mad at them and you want to tell them ALL ABOUT themselves. You can't get through to some people that have a negative spirit. That's for God to do. THIS is where Ephesians 6:12 comes in. You need to hear what they are saying (don't absorb it, just hear it), and take that thing to your prayer closet. Ask God to reveal the right and wrong to you Himself. And if you find that maybe you were in the wrong, that's the time to repent. And if you may need to go apologize, as hard as that may be. And if you find that the other person was wrong, that's where you forgive at that very moment. Don't wait to hear I'm sorry out of them. And don't be so full of pride that you can't let it go BECAUSE you need to hear that apology or admittance that they were wrong. The fact that they are dealing with a negative spirit will tell you that they are NOT about to say I'm sorry for anything right now. But you have to Forgive THEIR Unbelief, and ask God to forgive their own lack of Wisdom and HONESTLY ask the Lord to have mercy on them.

So the pattern that we are seeing for your help in the home, is really a change of perspective and a plan of attack in prayer for you. There are such things as a negative spirit and it's only YOUR FAITH that can fight that thing. Stop arguing with everyone. Avoid the situations that you know will make your flesh go crazy before your spirit can catch you, and stay prayed up. Believe me, as it gets easier for you to deal with certain people, God will make a change in those people as well. Remember, WE can't fix them. We can only fix how WE see things and how WE respond to them. But God can fix anything. If He fixed us, He can fix them too. WE be patient. And WE have mercy on them. Cause God had mercy on US when we was out there acting a pure fool too.

I love you all, I hope this long 3 part topic helped you all deal with, and manage the negativity that comes your way a little better. Remember, pray, pray, and pray a little more. You Got this. I love you all! And Be blessed!!!!!


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