A Disrespected God

Hey everyone, I was just listening to a lesson about something, and a scripture really stood out in my heart and in my mind and suddenly the Holy Spirit just put it all in "English" for me. I had to relay this topic to all of us because we are all family and we are all learning together.

So, we all know John 3:16 right? If you don't, here is what it says (and I'm sure you'll say, "Oh yea! I have heard that before!")

John 3:16 NLT 
“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

So here's what I got. And really, I had to think of it from a parental point of view. So for all you parents out there, you will also be able to relate. And if you don't have kids, believe me, think of things you put your parents through, or that your parents have told you as you were growing up.

So I remembered a time where one of my kids was being pretty....... well, to say it, Ungrateful! I believe it was a birthday of theirs. This child was just not content with what they had gotten and just wanted, wanted, wanted. Finally, I had to get into the usual parental speech of "We have done this, we have done that, we work what seems like a billion hours a day at a job that we are not that happy in so we can have the money to do ALL THIS for you and it's not enough???? Then forget it!!! You aren't getting anything!!!!!!!" Yea, I was hot. Ungratefulness is something else!!!

So back to how the scripture relates to parenting. So if you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you have a foundation to work from. Now, If you know John 3:16, then that's step 2. But lets make it come alive and make it personal:

"For God loved me so much that He gave His ONLY son for the purpose of me having eternal life for as long as I believe."

Still not jumping off the page to you? Let's look at it a little more. Jesus was God's ONLY son. He didn't have 2 or 3 to choose from. He was God's only. Still not meaning too much to you? Ok, think of the person down the street. the one that every time they do something, you are like "Oh they are so wrong!!!! They need to go to Jail!!!!!"  Or that you are like "What!!?? Put me in a concrete room with that one and I'll show you punishment."  Would you intentionally send your one and only child who has straight A's, gifts and talents beyond your own abilities, the child that can change the world, your pride and joy. Would you send that child out there, to be ridiculed, punished, beat, and murdered, just to save that person that you can't stand a single thing they do??? That's one heck of a sacrifice. And I'm sorry. I'm honest with myself enough to say Heck to the No. I could never do it, I just can't sacrifice my child for that person.

But God did. He purposely sent His son, Jesus, to the earth. For the express purpose of getting people's faith all riled up with miracles and wonderful things!!! And then God purposed Jesus to endure the worst kind of death imaginable publicly. He was accused of sins He never committed. Accused of sins that OTHERS were committing. God gave up His only son for the sake of the sinners that were there at that time AND for all of us who are here, including you reading this blog now.

So back to parenting...

We get hot under the collar behind our ungrateful kids who want and want and want but they won't clean their rooms. Won't bring home better grades even though WE KNOW they can do better and they are only doing enough to pass. They refuse to treat their elders with respect and speak to them using Sir and Ma'am. Heck, some of them don't even wipe their tails right when they use the bathroom. But at some point, we still give them the best we can right? After all that fussing all week, month, year long, we still give them the best we can give right?  Do you realize that we do the same thing to God?

When God says do this, and we do the opposite. When God said "don't get in bed with that woman/man". And we did it. When God said "I'm excited to see you in church on Sunday since your schedule is clear!" And we played hooky cause we were just sleepy. When God said "Don't talk to your mother that way, You need to Honor her" and under our breath we said we hated them. When God said "Just trust me. I got your back. I won't let you down." and we said "Are you serious?? I don't have time to wait on you, I'll do it myself!"  Oh how we have disrespected God and gave Him the finger and spit in His face. When we do all this, we are no better than the people that crucified Jesus. And the sacrifice that God made when He sent His son to die for us then MEANS NOTHING.

So the next time we are about to flip on our so called ungrateful child about ALL you had to do and give in order for them to have the things they want and need, we need to be sure to do a self check too. Did we do what God wanted us to do? He blessed me yesterday, did I deserve that? He might want to bless me tomorrow. Was I even grateful for what He did for me last? Did I even say Thank you? 

If you find that God blessed you, and YOU KNOW you didn't deserve that blessing, you may want to stop and say Thank you God for having MERCY on me. Because He didn't have to bless you. Just like you didn't have to give your child a new game they didn't deserve. But you did because you love them and want to give them the best. God loves you too and wants to give you the best also. I want to earn mine. I don't want to always have to receive through Mercy.

I pray you all "Got" this message and we can all start identifying times where we disrespected God and get it right in our lives. He Deserves Our Respect. He Truly Gave It All.

I love you all!!! Be Blessed!!!!!!!!!


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