My Safe Place

Image result for God, My safe place

Hey Family,

I hope everyone is having a great day. I've been wanting to talk about a place that I think everyone in the world needs to have. We all need to have it in the natural and we all need to have it in the spirit.

Yesterday I talked about the chaos that happens to us. It can leave us exhausted and depressed and completely deflated. Chaos can leave you in places you don't want to be. This is where the safe place comes into play.

Lets see it in both ways. Natural first. You know I work with examples, so lets create a scenario.

Lets say you have had a hard day at work. Things just didn't go right at all. Then lets just say you get home, and nothing is going right. People are fussing, the things you need in order to cook aren't in the house, you got clothes to wash, the phone is ringing and you gave up trying to answer. (this actually sounds like one of my hard days. whew!)

At some point it all hits a head. You are DONE. The breakdown hits. The tears come cause you are even beyond arguing. It's over. This is where you need that safe place. I'm not even saying a place where you can go and pray. Cause at that point, sometimes praying is far from your vocabulary. But you need that one place where you can run to when your world has fallen apart. I don't care if it's under the toilet. OK, so I don't want anyone to hide under the toilet. That's a little nasty. So, for me, you would think I could go into my bedroom and be OK. No, that is not my safe place. I'm married, i share that room people! My safe place is inside my closet. I can go into my closet and fall to the floor and just cry. And if anyone finds out i'm in my closet, they know "uh oh, she broke, leave her alone". That's the place that I can really just stay in there and break until I feel stable enough to come out. That's a natural safe place.

Now, there are also things that rock your world, or your day that really affect your spirit. Death, sudden health challenges, heart issues, many things. So many things that make you stop and say "God, I am so sick of this. God why me? God something has GOT to give! God I need you to pull through for me! God I don't know what to do!" At times like this, sometimes you just have to stop asking those radical questions that really are just emotionally driven. Sometimes you need to just close your eyes and find a quiet space in your heart and allow your heart to do the crying rather than your mouth. Allow your heart to hurt, and allow God to be the one who wraps his arms around you. I have had to do this many many times. I just have to sit really still (sometimes I have needed to use my natural safe place to do this, but it's possible to do it in a bedroom as long as you can get just a little quiet and get away from the chaos) with my eyes closed and just imagine myself on my knees before God's feet. Sometimes I have to tell myself "If I can just touch the hem of your garment, I know everything will be alright." You need to be able to find that place of comfort and truly visualize it. That is your spiritual safe place.

I know some of this sounds a little on the "Much" side, but when you have nothing else in you to give, you need a place where you can reboot. A place where the chaos of life can't find you. A place where it's OK to cry. A place where it's OK to be upset. A place where it's ok to just say i'm broken and I have no idea how or if i'll be put together.

This place is special and unique for you. I hope you are able to find a place like this. And if you only had the natural place, I hope I was able to help you find a spiritual place that will begin your healing. WE ALL need this place. It's special.

Psalm 31:8 
You have not handed me over to my enemies but have set me in a safe place.

I love you all!! Be Blessed!!


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