Who Are You Giving Credit To?????

Morning Everyone!

I finally was able to watch a movie yesterday that it seems like everyone else has already watched a very long time ago. Yes, I'm a little late. But in case anyone here has not watched it, I won't mention what movie it is. This morning it's still on my mind. It's one part of the movie where a woman is at a dr's office and she has experienced/witnessed a healing, but for some reason, is looking for confirmation in a doctor. She continues to ask him to put into words what has happened. And he continually cannot find the words. At one point he says "In the medical field, we like to call this Spontaneous Remission".

Here is a woman who has experienced/witnessed a HEALING. And she needed MAN to put into words what just happened. She put her heart in the lap of a Doctor, basically a MAN, to tell her what happened. Meanwhile, I'm in my seat with the most ginourmous smile and my spirit man is leaping all over the place inside me and I got my inner Tasha Cobbs going on singing "JESUS DID IT!!!!!!! JESUS DID IT!!!!!!!! JESUS DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! JESUS DID IT!!!!!!!!!! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YES HE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

So today I ask you, "Who are you giving credit to?" 

When your broken bone took a little longer to heal, then healed unexpectedly, did you notice God holding up what the dr's thought would be a normal healing? Or did you just rely on what the doctors said? Did you maybe realize that God needed to disturb the "normal" in order to give you a testimony?  Yea, that had nothing to do with medicine. JESUS DID IT!!!

When the Cancer in your breast disappeared from the places the doctor thought it would be, did you just say the medicine they gave me worked? I mean, the cancer was still NOT where the doctors expected to see it even after the medicine sooooo......... yea, JESUS DID THAT TOO!!!!!!!

When the doctors gave your family member a 10% or less chance of living through the night or end of the week, and suddenly they were healed, was it spontaneous? Was it effective medicine? NO JESUS DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When your credit was telling one story and you were trying to get a new car and you had no money to put down and you were approved. Was that just luck? Nah, it was negotiations right? Cause you had to go back and forth about payment and interest rates right? It was negotiations right? Nah, negotiations was the enemy trying to mess with Gods plan. But you got that car right? And at the payment you wanted?? YEA!!! JESUS DID THAT TOO!!!!!!!!!!

When I wanted to quit smoking, yea, I could have said that the solution was really substituting those cigarettes with Chocolate Chip Cookies..... mmmm..... they were good too.... but no, JESUS POURED INTO ME THE STRENGTH TO RESIST!!!!!! Many times I could have gone right on back to it! Because it was in my own strength that it started. My children told me they didn't want me to smoke anymore, and that alone struck me right in my heart like a huge dagger. Their love, that love that is so Jesus like, was what did it. And when I messed around and got Jesus for real for real! That did it! The smell alone of cigarettes became like POISON to me!!!!!!  One of the things I LOVED to do became a POISON to me.

JESUS DID ALL THESE THINGS!!!!!  They are all times in our lives where the opportunity was presented to God to perform another healing/deliverance and these are the things that we use for our testimonies!!!!!!!! These are the testimonies that we are to tell of in order to give hope to others!!!!!!!! We are not to let others go through their trials with no hope!!!!!!!!!!  We are all living walking talking testimonies!!!!!!!!!! And if we don't thing we have had these types of things happen for us, stick around a little while. I guarantee that God Will give you some things that are opportunities for you to SEE GOD WORK in your life personally!!!!!!!!! 

So now that you see the light, WHO are you giving credit to? The financer? The doctor? The dealer? The realtor?  Or God?   Sorry, I'm putting MY ALL on God.

I Love You All! Be Blessed In The Lord Today!!!!!!!!!


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