Did You Say Yes To Anything?

Hi Everyone!!!!

So, I heard, FROM GOD, that there are a few of you who read yesterday's post who decided to Say Yes to some things in your life. I know this because God gave me further instruction on what to do after you say Yes.

What God wants me to tell you all is "DON'T SET YOURSELF UP TO FAIL".  Here is where you discover true wisdom. It all comes from saying one thing. Stay away from your temptations. This is especially true even when you think you have yourself some good ol' Self Control.

So here is where we start. Thinking logically. And i'll go by examples, because I think that's the best way to really let you know what God is trying to tell you.

If you decided to quit gossiping and talking about people:
     Yes, this is a heavy prayer push for some people, but it's possible to be successful. God can and will help you here. But what you need to do (no i'm not gonna say SHUT YOUR MOUTH lol) is first, take a sabbatical or some form of reduction from the people you normally gossip to or the ones that gossip to you. THAT is your number one temptation. Next, you will need to get in the word more. The best way to clean your mouth is to clean your heart. The best way to clean your heart is with the word. This really is simple, but prayer is what is going to KEEP you in it. Believe me, I know.

If you decided to give up Smoking:
     Know that temptations will come in many forms. So in order to reduce them, get rid of all ashtrays (in the car included), obviously get rid of all cigarettes as well. Wash your clothes so you don't smell the residue on the clothes. Pick up a new healthy habit just to keep your mouth entertained. Fruits, vegetables, etc..... or if you are like me, and can afford a temporary indulgence like I did, Chocolate Chip cookies became my substitution. :-) And this may be difficult for some people, but you will have to stay away from your smoking friends. And if it's your spouse that isn't ready to give it up yet, maybe you can come to an agreement that they will smoke outside and away from you.

If you decided to quit drinking:
     Like smoking, there WILL be temptations. Your friends, the commercials on tv, many many things. But you will have to find a way to avoid them. Some people find it easier to reduce the drinking little by little. But know that it will be a process. The downfall in this topic is that it is VERY easy to create excuses to give yourself a pass. Or to allow yourself. Or even to think that once you are secured in not drinking that you can allow yourself one and be ok after. So besides the temptation on this item, you also have to keep your mind in check and not allow yourself excuses. Excuses are tricky because in our minds we think of them as loopholes to rules. For example, many times people say "Jesus turned water in to wine so it's ok" but we are called to keep our temples holy, and many of US who are trying to let go of drinking used to do it in sinful excess. So if you ever did it in sinful excess, why would you want to do it at all even after? In my eyes (remember, this is just ana's opinion) doing it even just a little, after knowing that it was a sinful abuse at an earlier time of my life seems like I am not trying to let it go or give up the desire of it at all. Which seems to be a sin. To get out of the sin, we now have to let it go altogether. Remember, that is just my opinion. Also don't let your mind fool you. IF you are saying after a year "I'm still quitting and reducing" then you are no longer quitting and reducing. It's just an excuse to continue doing what you want for as long as you can. But I just don't believe that it should take you longer than a year to quit drinking. Even with those 12 step programs, it does not take a year. So be real with yourself when you do this one.

So you see these examples. Examine what you need support in and what you need to steer clear of with the item that you decided to quit on. Yes, this is very basic instruction and i'm sure you are saying "Where is God in all this?". Well, here is what you have. You are supposed to continually pray about these things. Asking for strength to endure. For Him to make a way of escape for you from those unexpected situations that put you in a place of temptation.The key is IF YOU PUT THE EFFORT IN, HE CAN PUT HIS HAND OF GRACE ON YOU AND THAT'S ALL YOU NEED.  Believe me, I know.

I will be praying for everyone who decided to Say Yes to something. I love you all!!! Be Blessed!!!!!!


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