Unmovable Faith

Hey Everyone,

I have this story in my head the last few days. I always find it interesting because it's one of those stories that make you say "I wonder what he was thinking when he thought about that plan".

Genesis 20:1-5 
Abraham moved south to the Negev and lived for a while between Kadesh and Shur, and then he moved on to Gerar. While living there as a foreigner,Abraham introduced his wife, Sarah, by saying, “She is my sister.” So King Abimelech of Gerar sent for Sarah and had her brought to him at his palace. But that night God came to Abimelech in a dream and told him, “You are a dead man, for that woman you have taken is already married!

Well, I can see exactly what he was thinking about when he thought of this "fabulous" idea. He was trying to save his own life. See in this story, the town they were about to go through was a little but, uh, crazy. There were people that would look at Sarah and be like "Whew, she kinda sweet! We need to do something about dude, so we can claim her!" So I get it, I honestly do. But this is Abraham we are talking about. This was God's dude. We know this from reading in Genesis 18. GOD promised Sarah and Abraham a son. And it happened. Abraham had a real conversation, back and forth, with God about Gods plans to destroy Sodom and God honored everything that Abraham asked in that conversation. So, if Abraham, knowing that he was real tight with God, why would he not trust that God Himself would keep him and his family safe while traveling? Why would he feel the need to lie about who his wife was? Where was the mustard seed of faith now? 

Well, now lets take a moment instead of jumping down Abraham's throat about what he did. I'm sure that many times we have all had situations where we had all the faith in the world for one situation. Nothing to stress. Full Confidence. But then in another thing, there is not any. Oh, that's not you? Oh, ok, i'll take it. It's just me that does that. I can give you an example. And to be extra real about it, it's just like Abraham. Lets see.

Abraham had all the faith in the world for a situation involving something/someone that was occurring far away from him. He spoke with God about it. He was in full intersession. But when the situations came and hit home, he had doubts and felt that he needed to intervene for himself. Rather than go back to God for guidance/pleadings like he had done before. How many times we do this ourselves.
Now, I spoke to one of my best friends, and she was having an issue. That issue would not affect me in any way. It was something that could bring her so much happiness or so much heartache if things didn't line up. I had all the faith in the world that everything was going to work out for her. I prayed once and it was settled in my heart for real. But then, if I have a problem, usually it's certain kinds, like financial. It's hard for me to get my full faith in line like I did before. We all have those times where something hits so close to home that it's hard to raise your own faith. 

You have to have faith that your own faith can grow daily. So when situations arise you don't fall. Your faith should ALWAYS be bigger than your situation. Let's take a real live issue. Many people I know and you know have gone through this one. When someone close to you gets diagnosed with diabetes, you pray and help them change their food habits and help them get adjusted to a new lifestyle with exercise. And you KNOW, that you KNOW, that you KNOW, that this is only a trial and God will deliver them from Diabetes. There is no doubt in your mind, and you don't care how long it takes for that thing to manifest itself. It's already set in your mind and you stay in a prayer of thankfulness for that healing and pure praise because in your mind it's already done and all you are waiting for is for the doctors to realize that their numbers no longer line up to what they initially thought. At least that is how it happens for me. 
But if that diagnosis hits YOU, it's suddenly not the same level of faith that you had for the other person. But that's the time that we should rejoice even more!!!!! When the person that you know got diagnosed, you rejoiced for their healing that you knew was going to happen, and you were just happy to be a witness to their healing!! (Again, maybe that's just how it is for me!) But when it hits home, you should be more excited because not only do you get to be a witness, but you become the walking testimony!!!!!  That's where you get to fight that demon yourself and tell him exactly where to go!!! That's where you plead the blood over yourself and you replace the blood in your body for the supernatural healing blood of Jesus and claim your healing in your temple! (Yes you do change your diet because you don't want the enemy to use ANYTHING against you. Know that you are called to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle taking care of the temple God gave you too!) Instead of doing that, we rely completely on a doctor that lives in the same world we live in. That knows that 1+1=2, just like you know it. We can no longer have halfway faithed up Christians. We need to take that faith that we have for people and learn how to sustain it and feed it, so when we have situations of our own, we can tap into that faith and claim what we need as well. When we have that relationship with God the way we need to have it, not only can we go to Him in full confidence, but we know that we can go to Him AND HE HEARS US. Then if we know that we have been faithful, and we KNOW that He hears us, we will have our own FULL confidence that HE WILL honor our call!! So why in the world do we settle for this half-centered faith??? Come on ya'll we have to take this thing higher, and we need to do it ASAP!! Let's Go!!!

Be Blessed!! I Love You All!!!!!


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