Be Intentional... It Might Take A Plan...

  • I'm Tired.
  • I've Had Enough.
  • I'm Sick of this Happening Over And Over.
  • Oh My Goodness, Are You Serious?
  • I'm Done With This.
  • It Is What It Is.
  • I'm Not Going To Say It Again.
So all these things, we have all said at some point or another. Those of us at a Unsaved part of our lives, and those of us who are in the Saved part of our lives. Guess what, some of us have said it in the Super Saved parts of our lives. Crazy eh?

I was just having a conversation with one of my sisters. A woman that I've had the joy of watching her grow from crazy, in a box, not hearing none of other people's mess, trying to do me, independent woman, to a woman like David, after God's own heart. Learning to serve like Jesus served. Love like Jesus loved. Ready and willing to stand under His conviction if necessary. A praying woman. And will always admit, she is still a work in progress. She is enjoying the journey, good and hard. I'm so very proud of her. The thing about my friend above and so many more of us enjoying the journey of submitting and transforming our mind is that we have had to BE INTENTIONAL about it.

You don't always think about it as being intentional, but let me show you how being intentional works in every day life:
  1. So when you have a job, you are intentional in getting dressed to leave the house on time.
  2. When you are pregnant, you are intentional in keeping your doctors appointments.
  3. When you are going to the beach, you are intentional in packing food and your swim gear.
  4. When it's snowing, you are intentional in wearing a thicker coat.
  5. When you have a car, you are intentional to have gas in it.
See what I mean. You do things intentionally with all these things. Well the same thing goes with things of my well-being and health:
  1. If I want to quit drinking, I have to be intentional to stay away from that area of the supermarket and take a break from other drinkers when they are drinking.
  2. If I want to quit smoking, I have to be intentional to stay away from other smokers.
  3. If I want to quit gossiping, I have to be intentional to stay away from gossip from other people.
  4. If I want to quit cussing, I have to be intentional to not listen to movies, shows, music or people that use/have cuss words in it.
  5. If I want to quit hating on others or talking about others, I have to be intentional to learn how to love and accept myself.
So if those things are proving to be true and if you are wanting to have a stronger spiritual life, you must be intentional there as well:
  1. If I want to pray more consistently, I have to be intentional to set a time to pray AND KEEP THAT TIME.
  2. If I want to fast better, I have to be intentional in writing the vision and purpose of the Fast.
  3. If I want to study more consistently, I have to be intentional to set a time to study AND KEEP THAT TIME.
  4. If I want to grow deeper in God, I have to be intentional in listening for Him to direct me to what I need to do.
  5. If I want to worship longer, I have to be intentional to MAKE THE TIME to see His goodness working in my life, and be thankful for it.
Those are just examples, but it's enough to show that being Intentional can make or break your plans. It's awesome to be spontaneous in life. But there are some things that just can't/won't happen in your life without an intentional plan. Anything like cleaning certain things in your house regularly on certain days to scheduling out meals for the week to even what days you need to pay your bills in order to keep your household budget in tact, it all takes an intentional plan.

These are all things that I have to do even in my house. My husband finally realized after a few years with me, that when I had a planned written schedule for myself, I was able to get things done. But when I'm flying on a whim just trying to do things, I was a complete mess and it seemed like everything was started but nothing was completed. I am just one of those people that has to be "Intentional" about everything I do. From the everyday life things, to things of the spirit. Everything I do, has to be intentional. If you can do things spontaneously, then that's wonderful! But if you find yourself not going as far as you'd like in an area of your life, try being intentional about what you are looking for. Write the vision, make it plan. And I bet things will start to turn around for you.

Have a wonderful day everyone! Be Blessed! I Love You All!!!


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