Let Me Decrease...

Matthew 14:28-32

Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” 

“Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.
 But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted.
 Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” 
When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped.

Good Evening Everyone,
This passage has been on my mind all day. And a particular interpretation that the Holy Spirit gave me about it. It was just really impactful to me. It actually was a gut check for me. Those Gut Checks are not always easy, but they are humbling and necessary.

So everyone knows this passage so well. It was a faith walk for Peter to believe that he could do something as crazy as walk on water. It was also a lesson on staying focused on Jesus through your storms. But for me, it was so much deeper this morning. I realized, this was something that was known to Jesus to happen to Peter. By this point in his walk with Jesus, he had seen so many miracles. His faith has been built. He felt like he was in a good place in his walk with Jesus. If anything, he was at a point where he could have fallen to a place of pride. Other disciples didn't have faith like Peter had. He had to remind them of things many times, when it came to times where their faith was truly needed.

Well, all the disciples were heading out where Jesus told them to go and there is this big storm. Peter is, as usual, keeping everyone focused on what Jesus told them to do. Helping them stay focused as a team to get across to the other side. But when Jesus appeared to them, it was Peter alone, who was called out to walk on water. THIS was the time of the story where it became impactful for me. While Peter was trying to keep everyone else in order and focused, he was a great leader. But when it was Peter alone walking on water with no one else to stand by him or for him to feel responsible for, he could not stand the pressure. It was same storm that he was keeping the others focused through, yet when it was him, keeping himself focused, and keeping his own faith in line, he could not do it. He couldn't handle the same storm, took his eyes off Jesus and sank into the water.

This reminded me that sometimes you are such an anchor for everyone else and it really makes you feel spiritually good that you can be such a help to others. Even the people who have personally told me how this blog has helped them and has been such a help for them. Things like being able to help others through trials in a spiritual sense, is a very rewarding feeling. To know that God trusts you to assign you certain things is wonderful. But it can easily mess with the same pride you are trying to kill. You can easily feel like you are higher in your spirit and faith than you really are.

I believe that Peter was at that point. And Jesus needed to call Peter out, NOT for Jesus to see anything. But for Peter to realize that although his faith was helping others, he wasn't as strong in his faith than he thought he might be.

So if you realize you are helping so many in their faith. And you have really become a blessing to not only the people in your home, but others as well. Remember, that is just one way of extending your faith. But we need to learn how to strengthen our faith, because that is what keeps us as well. If you are always caring for others, you miss giving yourself the opportunity to build your own faith. And when you need it, you may find yourself "falling" in the same storm that you may have brought someone else through. Think about it family.

Be Blessed! I Love You All!!!


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