Talking Some - Shut Your Mouth!

Hey Everybody!!!

I keep hearing something, and I've been hearing these scenarios all day long. Then I heard something on TV (a commercial I had never seen before) and I said "OK Lord, that's it. That must be what you want me to talk about". So I will.

So here is a topic that if you said "I did not do that", I might have to call you out. WE have all done this one. Yes, I said WE because I'd be a straight up lie if I said I didn't do this myself. Whether you MEANT to do this or now. Here is what i'm talking about.

I'm talking about when you see something, and you know it just is not right. You talk about it. Or if you see someone doing something in sin. You talk about the person. I could sit and give you scriptures about pointing out the speck in your brother/sister's eye, while ignoring the log in your own. I could give you scriptures about Judge Not, yet ye not be judged. I could even give you scripture about being forgiving about other's sin. But i'm not going to throw around a bunch of scriptures. Those you can find for yourself if you really want to. I'm just going to tell you what God wants you to know.


When you think about it, what good does it to for the sinner or for you to criticize them, or their sin to other people? At that point you are just gossiping and talking trash. If you are trying to live any kind of rejuvenated life in the Lord, doing this possibly keeps you in the old state of mind and prevents you from renewing your mind further. I can't imagine that God will continue to advance you in certain parts of your heart and your mind. But i'm not God, nor would I say with any certainty what He would or would not to in anyone's mind or heart. But why would you take the chance? Why would you risk the guarantee that God WILL do a great thing in you versus the chance that He just might...... I'd rather say that I did everything that I could do to know that HE WILL do a great thing in me. Rather than saying I followed "enough" of the rules and "maybe" He'll do a great thing in me. I'm sorry, I WANT that great thing to be done. And I WANT for those closest to me to have their great thing to happen as well. That's all my heart really wants in this life.

Now as I said, EVEN I make those mistakes. It's really easy to see something and instantly your brain speaks faster than your spirit can catch up and suddenly the words come out. That is another point where as long as you realize what just happened, what you just said, and realized that what you did/said, you didn't do it to/about a person. You did it as unto God. You Can Repent. And when you repent, you can always ask God to fix that thing in you. Control your mouth while God transforms and renews your mind. Statements like, "I can't believe her momma let her come out the house looking like that.", "now he know that is NOT his girl, and she is not even as pretty as his girl!", "...someone actually LIVES in that house??", "I don't know why they got this job, they know dog gone well that they can barely even file!".  These statements should not be coming out of our mouths, but truth be told, at times, inadvertently or purposely, they do. The thing is that all of these things are things that you can either help someone with, or you can pray for a person. Either way, if you take the route of talking about the situation, what glory can anyone get from that? Especially God?

So the next time you feel your mouth about to spew out some stuff that your mind just thought because of what your eyes may have seen, try to remember, does what i'm about to say HELP anyone? Does what i'm about to say make anyone feel GOOD? Does what i'm about to say bring glory to the Lord? Would anyone celebrate this statement? I have to do this A Lot. Because I used to have such a critical nature, especially of people. That is rooted in Pride. So I have to make sure that I keep my mind in constant submission. But it can be done. And i'm proof of it. I'm not 100%, I will never tell you that I'm perfect. But I am willing to be the example that you may need to see, to know that IT CAN be done. And I promise you that IT CAN be done. Don't lose hope in yourself. I have not lost any hope in any of you, and I refuse to. No matter what I see, no matter how much I may see or hear any of you doing something wrong. I would never judge you because I love you so very much. I will pray for you even more.  There are certain ones of you who have been on my heart so heavily. One of whom i saw at church today, and as I gave her a hug, I just wanted to cry because I truly love her so much and I hadn't seen her in church in a little bit. Yes girl, I love you. You are my sis, and I know that you are going to have such an amazing total transformation as long as you don't give up! Times get hard. They do. For all of us. Hard decisions have to be made sometimes, but that's the Wisdom God gave us. But we are all here to support each other, and none of us should ever forget that. There is always someone in your corner, cheering you on. If you don't feel like you have a personal cheerleader, PLEASE TELL ME BECAUSE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I WILL CHEER YOU ON ALL DAY!!!
If you feel like you fell off and you need a shoulder to cry on, don't be ashamed to reach out. Know that i'll always pray for you. I would never stand in judgement. Who am I to judge you? I have enough issues of my own. If I told any of you any of my stories, you'll see i'm not better than any of you. I'm just really trying hard to say in a place with the Lord, that is all.

Be blessed everyone. I love you all!!


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