To Transform? Or To Kill?

Hi Everyone!!! I pray you all had a safe and happy 4th of July holiday!!! It was so awesome for me!! Hot, but Awesome!!!!

So I've been thinking lately, and something just keeps coming back to my mind. I assume the Holy Spirit trying to answer the mental question that I had, that I didn't even realize that I was wondering. I kept thinking about all the dumb things I've done growing up. In school. In college. As a so called adult. Just lots of dumb things. Lots of bad habits too. You know, those things that as you grow you just say "Well, whoever gets with me, they just need to deal with that, cause that's just a part of who I am.". We have lots of those sayings eh?

Like, I just knew, whoever got with me was going to have to deal with a woman who had a lot of "habits". But the thing about it is, those things we called "Habits", are actually gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit to be used for great things! Yes, I said it. But let me explain myself. I don't want you to think that certain things that you've done are a Gift from God.

I had a habit of drinking. You know, we called it being a "Social Drinker". (Until things ended up going further than you expected they did and you had to have a drink to go to sleep too.) You know, you get together at parties and have your drinks. Well, little did I know that God may have been trying to use that to get me to understand that what I was supposed to be doing was gathering for the Lord's Supper and taking communion.

I had a habit of "Gossiping". Whew, could I tell someone about someone else!!! But what the Lord wanted me to use my mouth for was to spread His word. His Great News.

I had a bad bad bad habit of being Vain within my lack of self-confidence. But what The Lord wanted me to remember, was that HE created me, and HE created me with all my flaws on Purpose, so I needed to take Pride in that knowledge that I was perfect in HIS eyes. So why do I need to change those things that I thought were flaws, for something that looks and sounds and acts like anyone else? I like being unique now in my flaws now. No matter if it happens to get on someone's nerves.

I had the bad habit of knowing it all. That's linked with Pride. But what the Lord wanted me to use that for was since I was so able to tell everyone else where they were wrong (whether I was right or not) but to be able to TEACH those wanting to know about the Lord.

I had a bad habit of knowing every word and every syllable to every lude, crude, and sexual song out there. But what God wanted me to do was use that memory of things that work as poetry, to have songs that I could sing for Him, or sing to the people to tell THEM about Him.

I had a habit of being so self-sufficient and independent. I didn't need no man to help me do anything. Yea, well, that may have been true for a little while. But that was just God letting me have my way for a little while so I could wear myself out having my way. You know, when you are having your way, you are also doing it in your strength. That stuff don't last long. It's just those little trophies that you get. Yay, I just changed my brakes all by myself. Uh yea that means what for the long term? Nothing. He was teaching me that I didn't need to rely on myself ever. Instead of independent, I could learn to be dependent ON HIM. Instead of being self-sufficient, I could learn to trust Him to get me what I need.

I had a habit of fussing and arguing. But what God wanted me to use that passion for was to pray. To become a true prayer warrior. Go learn to fight in the spirit. And especially for my own family.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, not everything that you think is so horrible or a bad habit, is something that you need to get rid of. It can be just something that you need to just transform. As you go through your journey of "getting things right" you will find those things. Some will be easy to identify. Other things you won't be able to spot right away. For me, I know I'm still spotting things in my life. Sometimes you don't know certain things are there until they rise up in you in the heat of a moment. Good or bad. But don't discount them.

They are all things that you can stop and say "I see you, But I need to transform you to use you for a good thing". Or you can say "I see you, and you just have to die".

I hope this shifted your spirit in a good way! Be Blessed!! I love you all!!!!!


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