Trust, Is Priceless.....

We all go through things in life. Especially with our kids. I can't get one thing out of my head that happened in my home this week. My son broke my trust yet again. He didn't do anything horrible, don't get me wrong. But, nonetheless, my trust was broken yet again. My daughter as well. Her offense was not anywhere near as important, but, nonetheless, my trust was broken.

When you have kids, you set rules and boundaries for them. As they get older, they have more liberty to do things. But you keep certain rules that are unbreakable. Some for the greater of the family as a whole. Some for their own safety. Some to help them individually from a personal failure. But either way, there are rules. When they break the rules, the first thing an outsider will tell you is, "They are just kids. They are going to do things." But as their parent, it's much different. They not only defied you. Which is disrespectful. And now you are HOT about that. They broke a rule so there are now repercussions. UGH! But underneath all of that, the reason why you are so mad and upset is because they disappointed you. Because you trusted them to follow those few rules, and they betrayed your trust.

I asked my son during our talk about why I was so mad about the situation, "If I leave $100 on your dresser and tell you don't mess with it, would you touch it?" His answer was no. When I asked him why not, he told me "Because there is a higher value in that." I had to explain to him that it's not the value of the item that was at stake. It's the value of the TRUST in the person that "Entrusted" him with it. I asked my daughter the same thing, knowing her tendencies toward money and snacks (lol) and changed the detail a little. I asked her "If I leave $100 in your room, mixed bills, singles, 5's, 20's etc...., and I told you, don't touch it i'll be back for it. Would you take any of it?" and she gave me this look, and scratched her head and says "Honestly?" I already knew EXACTLY what her answer was going to be. She said "I might take a dollar or 2 from it"  I said it like that because she has a thing for money right now, and not that she is a thief, but her desire for snacks is bananas. But I explained to her the same thing. It's not about the $2 that she may have taken from it. It's the Trust that she broke just for a bag of peanuts (her favorite snack).

Can you think back to a time when your trust was broken, but the person did not understand where the VALUE of their error was? They thought they did a simple mistake, but for you it was a complete heartbreak because it wasn't about the simple mistake. It was about your trust. If you have been in a romantic relationship, I'm sure you can think of a time. Whether you were the person who's trust was broken, or you were the person that made the mistake. Repentance (apology) or Forgiveness may be needed.

Lets take this to scripture. There is a story that I love. The Prodigal Son. Also called The Lost Son. You can find it in Luke 15. You can read the story yourself, but here is a quick synopsis in Ana Version. A man had 2 sons. One who would work his tail off helping his dad tend to everything. I assume the other may not have been as helpful. But I imagine he was unhappy with his life. The Ana version says that he came up with a great rap and convinced his father to give him the money he was due upon dad's death, while he was still alive. (Now that was some good rappin to convince your father to do that!) Once he got the money, he rolled out. Was spending the money left and right on some hoochies at the adult club, and popping bottles all day. I can imagine that just like in today's world, he developed lots of fake friends to help him spend all that money. Well, even thought that's an awesome story for anyone who has had a wayward child, my point is not about the son. My point is about the father. How he must have felt in this.

I can imagine, this son really concocted a good story, why his dad should give him his inheritance before he ever died. And like me, I'm sure this man assumed he knew his children very well and felt that HE COULD TRUST THEM. I mean, they weren't bad kids. He had 2 of them. One maybe was more hard worker than the other, but Good Kids nonetheless. I can imagine that this story contained information about how this son planned on using the money as well as where and why he would have needed it before dad died. And I'm sure that dad really thought things through. And I'm sure, since dad approved and gave him the money, that he felt that his son was going to do as he said with it, and be responsible. He trusted him to keep his word. Unfortunately, that did not happen. As I said before, the son was out popping bottles and getting his time in with prostitutes and blowing all the money. I imagine the tears this father shed. First then anger to find out what his son was doing. Then the shame and feeling of betrayal because he trusted him. Then the sadness that he must have felt like he made a mistake and now he lost his son forever, over some money. No matter how much money it was (which I'm sure was quite a bit) the fact that his trust with his son was broken and he never knew if he would see his son again while he was living.

That's the trust I'm talking about. So many times we make mistakes, and we place the value on the material item that was ENTRUSTED to us, when that is not where the value lies. The value is, Can I Be Trusted. Whether it's with fifty cents, or $50,000. Can I be trusted?

The word says in Luke 16:10 “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. This is so very true... I know I want to be trusted by people, especially with my own family. But even above them, I want God to know that He can trust me. There is a song that I love to sing called I'll Be The One by Briana Babineaux. My favorite part of the song says:

You've been searching for someone Who will stand in the gap. Oh God.
You been searching for someone Who will give you their all. Hallelujah.
Here i am Lord, here's my life Lord. You don't have to search no further.
I'll be the one. Yes I'll be the one, I'll be the one.
The one you can use, The one you can send, The one with a yes, you can trust

I  need to know daily that above all, beyond anything else, that God can trust me. Any time I fall, or I make a mistake, because I'm not perfect. I make LOTS of mistakes. It truly crushes my spirit because I feel like not only did I hurt the natural person/people that may be involved in that mistake, above all that, I hurt my God. And that is when my heart and my spirit is crushed and I have to really take that to the throne of God and repent. It's not about me. It's all about Him and the relationship we have with Him.

So next time your child breaks the rules, maybe this is another perspective for you to explain to them of why you are so upset. But also another perspective for you to realize the real reason you got so mad at their error in the first place. Or when you make a mistake, with even an intentional action. Maybe you can see, you aren't just betraying a person's trust, but also God's. He is watching you too. There's a lot of ways to see this. What's your way?

Be Blessed!! I Love You All!!!


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