What In The World Is This Life For???

Hi Everyone,

I am at a time where I am going through for real. And I was talking to someone yesterday and she went through something almost exactly like I am now. We cried together for a moment and we held each other. And she says to me "It makes you wonder what we are really on this earth for. Is it just to suffer? Because we go through a lot of suffering." But before I arrived she was just reading in the book of Romans, and we both remembered at the same time that Christ was sent to this world to Suffer. To suffer FOR US. And the bible says that we are to suffer with Him. So we have to remember that what we are going through is nothing that He hadn't gone through for us already.

For example, he dealt with losing someone. John the Baptist was like His family. Someone he loved so very much. He found out that John the Baptist was MURDERED. When he found out, he was crushed. He felt that emotional pain. The pain of having your heart break instantly. That reminds me of the Castile and Sterling families. How Jesus felt what they are feeling. That Jesus felt the same pain I feel now knowing that I'm losing someone in my family so very dear to me. Even though my family member was not murdered and is going through a very slow process of leaving us, it's still the same. It's the pain of losing someone very dear to me as well. We are all dealing with a loss of some kind all the time.

There is also so much violence going on as well. The police brutality as well as the brutality in our homes. The abuse of power by police, and the abuse at home. All of it ranging from mental, emotional, physical and abuse of power. In the bible, Peter was one who was trying to fight back. When Jesus was being arrested in the Garden, Peter was in the process of throwing down in order to protect Jesus. And then you hear Jesus call out to Peter to get his attention and say "Live By The Sword, You Die By The Sword". So I take a moment to tell everyone, don't fight back the way others are fighting us. For if you Live By The Sword, You Will Die By The Sword.

When I heard what happened in Dallas last night with the murders of the police by snipers, I was in tears once again. This is not the way to fight back. And in your home, it's the same thing. We can't fight back domestic abuse with abuse as well. I know it, I've been there before. There are only 3 things we can do for both of these domestic wars. And when I say "domestic wars" I mean the "Domestic War" going on in our homes called Domestic Violence. As well as the "Domestic War" in our communities called Police Brutality. The way to fight back is this:
  1. PRAY. If you don't know how to pray, there is no better time than NOW to learn and get started. It's so much easier than you think. Here's one, "Dear God, Here's my heart. Broken, but it's here. Can you please fix it? Because I can't."
  2. Contact your legislators to find out what they are doing to protect you in your home AS WELL AS in your communities.
  3. LEARN ABOUT THE PEOPLE TRYING TO GET IN OFFICE!!!!! Find out their stance on domestic violence, gun control, what they plan to do about abuse of power in people in government offices/power positions.
I am NOT a political person by ANY means. But when I can see so much pain in my community and in my family, and there is a clear showing of signs of distress because of the abuse of power, I have no choice but to take a stand. Just like you need to take a stand. In your homes, as well as in the community.

I'll leave you with these 2 scriptures from the book of Romans. I hope you can find some kind of comfort in these. They do for me.
Romans 8:17-18
And if we are children, then we are heirs: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ
—if indeed we suffer with Him, so that we may also be glorified with Him.
I consider that our present sufferings are not comparable
 to the glory that will be revealed in us.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.

Also, here is a song that always inspires me. It's not a Gospel song (at least I don't believe the artist intended it to be) but my spiritual heart hears God singing this song to me. And at a time like this, I can have it on repeat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esYMnZqYk-U (I do not own the rights to this song).

Be Blessed. Be Safe. I Love You All.


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