I Said Yes. Will You?

Hey Everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well today. I just have this thing rolling around in me. And I feel like I have had it for quite a while, just that I pushed it to the back of my mind cause I really wasn't ready to deal with that sort of thing. We all go through these types of questions throughout life. I finally realize, these are all questions that God is constantly asking us.
  1. Are you ready to quit talking about people's "flaws"? You didn't create them right? So why are you talking about them?
  2. Are you ready to quit smoking yet? I'm trying to get in your heart, but that impurity is not good to ME. Will you make ME special enough to clean that up from yourself? I promise help you if you try. But you have to let ME help you.
  3. Are you ready to quit drinking yet? I know you are trying, but you aren't trying to stop. You know your "justifications" are just excuses to not let yourself fully commit right? I promise help you if you try. But you have to let ME help you.
  4. Are you ready to get your mouth in order? You know the only reason YOU can't do that, is cause you are trying in your own strength right? Please let ME in, and allow ME to do it for you.
  5. Are you ready to submit to your spouse and their needs? You do know that I never meant for that to be a release of control of yourself. But just a deep reverence and respect for your spouse right?
  6. Are you ready to forgive that person yet? You do know that I haven't been able to bless you or forgive your shortcomings, because you haven't forgiven them right? Please, release yourself and forgive them, so I can forgive you and move you into your true destiny.
  7. Are you ready to confess you own sins and repent, so that I can do a new amazing thing in you? I Promise that I will floor you with the things I will do for you to make you new. You may not understand it in the beginning, but you will in time.
  8. Are you ready to answer the call that I have placed upon your life? Are you ready to take the step and teach the Truth to everyone you know? Are you ready to fully give up understanding everything, trusting things only when they make sense and just trust/allow ME to guide your steps?
There are many questions that are in the back of our minds that we seem to push to the backburner. We say, if the question wasn't raised in my face, there is not a need to answer it. But if it's in the back of your mind, guess what. It's been asked to you. If it's been asked of you, He's waiting on an answer. I have finally answered my question. And the answer is Yes, I will. I know there will be challenges. I know there will be times that I don't understand something and I just have to trust in Him even more at those times. I know that sometimes there may be something that I do that makes absolutely no sense to my family and there may likely be resistance, but, I trust that God will see me through it. I know that there will be times that what I see with my own eyes in the natural will not look like what He said will happen, but I have to trust that it is just part of the journey.

Are you willing to accept the call that has been placed on your life? This is nothing deep. You know what He is asking of you, no matter how small or big. It may be that He is just asking for you to fully let Him in. Or it could be as deep as letting go of everything and trusting Him in your hardest time. Whatever the question is that is in the back of your mind, that you keep pushing back in order not to answer. Now is the time to give an answer. Now is the time to take a stand and make a decision. He already gave up His Only Son for your life. Now it's your turn to give Him something in return.

Will you answer?

I love you all!!!! Be blessed!!!!!!!!!!


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