Don't Confuse Wisdom With Fear

Hey everyone!!!!

So, I have had a question rolling around in my head the last few days. "Why did we not help the girl that was screaming in the hallway when we were in Richmond?"

(If you didn't hear about that story, find the post titled: Is It Worth It? Posted on 7/16/2016)

God knows my heart toward Domestic Violence and I know He is trying to grow me in that area. But what is it that happened that day? What happened that we decided NOT to open the door and help?

Was It Fear?              Was It Wisdom?

When you react to things in your life, it is usually driven by one of 3 things.
Fear. Wisdom. Boredom.

Boredom is pretty clear.

  • Sometimes you go for a walk. Cause you are bored.
  • Sometimes you play jump rope (as an adult) cause it's exercise, and you are bored.
  • Sometimes you play on the computer, because you are bored.
You do things sometimes just because you are bored. And that's understandable. Sometimes you do silly things when you are bored too. So please don't just do things absentmindedly. Still think before you act. Be sure it's something that is NOT going to get you into trouble down the line. LOL!

But the items I really want to focus on is when you act out of Wisdom. And when you act out of Fear. Now, let me be real. I keep referring to the experience I had at that hotel a few weeks ago. Because we didn't know what to do. But I know the main point is that we didn't let the woman screaming "Help Me" into our room. Why is the question......

Was it a moment where we were stricken with some kind of fear? We didn't know what was really going on and we didn't know the details. For all we knew she could have been high on something and maybe could have been a danger to us and our baby girl if we let her in! Whew! It's 2016. People got issues!

Or Was it a moment where we used wisdom? We didn't know what was going on and we didn't know the details. We couldn't just let this strange naked woman in our room and not have possibly invited a potentially dangerous situation into the eyes and heart of our daughter.

So now that I have put my own questions out there. The Holy Spirit gave me the answer, and now all I have to do is meditate on it and apply it to my situation. I think you should all think about situations where you made a decision and you wonder WHY you made that decision. Here is what will help you find the answer that you need.

Is not rational. Is Sudden. Makes logical excuses of why not to move.

Creates a plan. Examines all angles of a situation and decides on the best action. Allows you to make a confident (refer to Proverbs 10:22) move and have Joy while doing it.

So while you go ahead and examine situations in your life, see what place you moved from. Fear or Wisdom. And then you will learn how to make future decisions for your life. I'll tell you, moving or not moving because of Fear will get you no where. But moving or not moving out of Wisdom, will get you a blessing every time.

I love you all!!!! Be Blessed!!!!!!!!!


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