Where Is Your Treasure?

Matthew 6:21
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.

This is not going to be a long word family. This is one of those verses that make you say "ok, it is what it is". But what makes you think about this verse a little more seriously is when you ask yourself the question. So lets reread the verse first.  
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.

So now the question that you need to ask yourself is where is my treasure?  Basically what we need to be thinking about here is that God wants our love (our heart). But if our heart is chasing something, or finding something else more important than God, then... well.... maybe you just don't love God the way you claim to. 

What this means in simpler terms is, if you love the nightclub so much that you would go on saturday night, knowing you need to be at Service on Sunday morning, the club has become your treasure. 

If you have $20 in your pocket that you were going to give for Kingdom Planting at church, but you ran out of your favorite wine, and you use that money for the wine, rather than the kingdom planting, the wine has become your treasure. 

Now, i'm not harping on anyone here. You all know i'm pretty transparent about my own stuff. So I don't mind telling you another. I should be waking up earlier in the mornings to study the word. Those early mornings are my quiet time when my whole family is sleeping. But i'm up late at night doing other things and maybe not as "in order" as I should be in order to physically have a better chance to waking up early. I can justify all of this. But fact of the matter is that if I can't make a choice to get things in order at night, so that I can wake up at the time that God has been calling me to, then life/family has become my treasure. I can justify it as much as I want. But the facts are the facts. If I loved my family so much that they had become a treasure, I should want to make it a point to get things in order. Want to know why? Because if I give my entire heart to God the way He wants it, my family will automatically have a special covering, just because of my efforts. 

So I hope that you are able to find out if you have any hidden treasures. And if you do, then maybe you can find out what is keeping you from giving your heart to God. Remember it's all a choice, and if you Choose God, He Will take care of you. 

I love you all!!! Be Blessed!!!!


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