God, Fight This Battle For Me!!!!!!!!

Hey Family,
I thought I had my topic of the day. But I had some other things in my heart that were creating a battle for me to get what the message was. So I went on my prayer walk early today (mostly because I have other work things scheduled for the time I would normally take my walk) and I found myself just crying out. I could not speak my needs. But my heart was in a state of pain and distress and just crying out. It reminded me for a moment of this scripture:

Rom 8:26-27 ESV
26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.  27 And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

It was exactly what was going on. I needed so desperately to pray. But I had so much on my heart that I could not create words at all. Literally. But in the little that I could muster, I knew it was no one but the Holy Spirit that was praying for me. Because I just couldn't come up with any kind of complete sentence. Suddenly I remembered a song. I haven't heard it in soooooo long. But the line that the Holy Spirit reminded me clearly of was when the song says:

Let Your Power Fall. When Your Name Is Called.

At that moment I started to speak Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. and I kept repeating. I needed that song at that moment, because my cry was there. I wanted to tell you all, sometimes we go through things in life, and we can't pray. The words just don't come out. The Holy Spirit may intercede for us. And then place something in our mind/heart. Don't doubt that the Holy Spirit may be giving you the instructions that you need in order to have something shift in your life. When I listened to the song, I truly accepted that God had just fixed EVERYTHING for me. Anything that I could think of was resolved! Now I am just waiting for the Manifestation so that I CAN tell all my friends, that God has one again!!!!!!!!!!! He will fight this battle for you!!!!!!!!! And He can help your unbelief!!!!!!!!! So you can also tell all your friends, that HE has won again!!!!!!!!!!

Listen to this song, turn it up, let your spirit get hold of it and Cry out to Him!!!!

I Love You All!!!!! Be Blessed!!!!!


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