Marital Submission? Wha?

Hi Family!

God put something in my heart early today. I was talking to one of my friends who recently got divorced and we got to talking about submission in marriage. She said something and it immediately reminded me of the person that I was in my first marriage. The most independent, non-compliant, non-submissive woman ever. My husband was NOT about to tell me what to do. I was raised as a woman who honors and serves her husband (old school Latino raising) by watching my parents. I always had that in my heart, that the man is the king of the castle. But when that king was not acting like a king, that respect was gone, and everything I 'learned" went right out the window. I won't go into the things i'd said or done because it was pure nonsense and it doesn't give God any glory. So it's a mute point.

But what I realized in my conversations with different women is that there is big time confusion between what Submission is and what Giving up control is. So many women that I've spoken to feel like it is a release of control of yourself.

Speaking personally, let me tell you all what Submission is NOT in my eyes:

  • Submission is NOT having a man boss me around.
  • Submission is NOT me being forced to go along with everything he says.
  • Submission is NOT giving up my identity to his desires.
  • Submission is NOT allowing him to control my movements.
Did that clear up some of the smoke for you? I hope some of your preconceived notions about what Submission is are dispelled a little. In order to not have a super long, record breaking post, i think i'll break this up into pieces. I pray that you will all learn what submission is and what it's not. And also what it truly looks like. 

**Disclaimer: I've said this many times before, that I may know about submission, but it does not mean that i'm in full submission at all times. I fight flesh just like all of you. Please don't think that I am thinking of myself higher than anything. I just happen to understand what it looks like (and I continually study it because I NEED to) and whatever revelation I receive, I like to share with you all.

I love you all!!! Be Blessed!!!!


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