Get In The Game Husbands!! Be That Leader!!
Mark 12:30-3130 And you must love the lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ 31 The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”
The other day, we said we are NOT taking any more L's. Well let me tell you, I don't care how many questions I have. This house is STILL not taking no L's!
So here is what we have. I'm going to tackle these things one at a time. So I have something for marriages. Because i'm done with seeing so many marriages going down in flames. I'm going to try to say all of this in order. And Lord God, I need your strength in this. Father God protect any hearts from the spirit of offense or condemnation. Lord God if someone finds themselves feeling the weight of the holy spirit on them, allow them your precious mercy and give them just enough pressure to ask for your forgiveness. But God at that moment, give them something that will remind them that it is YOU forgiving them. For if they wronged someone, that person is also hurt. And they need Your healing. But if they sinned, it was against no one but You.
So husbands, let me give you a scripture. Remember as I have said in a previous post, everything about this Christian Walk/Faith is about a choice. And once again it's up to you if you choose to believe it at all.
Ephesians 5:28
28In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
As you can tell, we are still continuing to talk about LOVE. This is extremely simple. The scripture can't be any simpler than this. You married this woman. There was some amount of Love involved in the decision to marry her. Go back to that moment and think about how much you loved her.
Now think about where you are today. You stand your ground in some things against her, because you value your thoughts and your opinion. So you must love your mind. If you happen to dress yourself up from time to time, or buy yourself new clothes or shoes, it must mean that you love yourself enough to adorn yourself and make yourself look good. If you spend time in the gym to keep yourself looking good and feeling healthy then it must mean that you care about your body and it's well being. If you have stepped out in your marriage, then it means that you care about the desires that you have as a man, and you have needs that you want to have met. So it seems to be pretty clear that you MUST love yourself, your health, your well being, your mind, your image, and your needs. GOOD. God wants you to find that value in yourself. Good job.
Fact of the matter is, God has declared that if you decided to join yourself in marriage, you are to LOVE her just like you love your body. So when you go to that gym, maybe you can take your wife with you. If you truly are looking for your wife to respect your way of thinking, have you taken a moment to attempt to understand her way of thinking? If you are enjoying shopping and making yourself look good with new clothes/shoes, what have you done to adorn your wife as well? Some wives don't even need for you to buy them things. Sometimes we just want you to spend some time with us. To just sit back and watch a movie with us. To go out to lunch or dinner and hear what we have to say about our day or anything that might be going on with us in our minds. This alone takes care of so many things. She will feel valued. She will be heard. She will feel like she has been made of SOME kind of importance in your life.
I know what some of you men are thinking. Some of your wives got mouths! Some of your wives got some ATTITUDES! Some of your wives don't listen when you are speaking!! Some of your wives just plain old hard headed!!! You know how I know all this? Cause my husband has said the same thing about me. And even I need to be reminded from time to time. And sometimes I have to remind him from time to time. But it can work. LOVE can make it work. And If you LOVE God, then you CAN love your wife also.
Men, God made you the head of your home for a reason. You are the head of things. You are the leader in the house. It does not mean that you are the boss. You are in a partnership with your wife. You make decisions together. But, when the "ish" hits the fan, you are the head and you must speak for your household. THIS is why it is so important to be in AGREEMENT in things. No man should have to take the fall of his wife's decisions if she makes a decision on her own. And no wife should have to be condemned by her husbands decisions that he made on his own.
Men, take your place. Follow God's urging. Seek the Lord for wisdom in how to fall back in love with your wife like you were before. Seek the Lord in how to handle your wife if she is a little more difficult than she used to be. And if you are learning to how be more Christlike now than you were before you got married, keep chasing after God. He will show you what to do for everything. He will teach you how to BE THAT LEADER HE CREATED YOU TO BE.
Men, I pray that you don't feel like I beat you up. I only pray that you can feel like you can repent for whatever you felt the Holy Spirit convict you in. I cannot and will not tell you where you are wrong. That is between you and God. But I pray that you all find areas where you can be a better husband, or attempt to be a better husband. If your wife is still around, she obviously loves you and still wants her family. Take that moment.
I love you all!! Be Blessed!!!!
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