Been In The Game.... Still So Many Questions....

 (Background Music Credited to Minister Patrick Pate II - Awesome Love. See Video At Bottom of Post)

Having questions does not mean that you don't believe... It doesn't mean that you are a not a Christian... It does not mean that you don't have faith... It just means you have questions... Naturally, as people, we want to understand... it's in our nature. We are human. We have a need or a desire to just understand. Therefore, there will always be questions... And i'm still full of so many questions myself... Some that people can answer... Some that no one but God can answer. 

In church this month, we are in a topic that has always been so important to me. Every single service is geared for something that has to do with this subject. It's Fight For The Family month. I didn't go to the early service, but I went for our second service we covered Mark 12:30-31. Here is what it says:

30 And you must love the lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ 31 The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”

 It's crazy to me because I feel like you have to have a good handle on things when you fall in Love with God the way that He wants you to love Him. Because when you fall in love with Him that way, there's a list of things that begin to happen in your mind. Here's a few:
  1. You begin to treat others better in order to be sure you don't sin against God.
  2. You learn to love others in a way that makes them feel good, whether they deserve it or not.
  3. You watch the things you say TO and ABOUT people. 
  4. You become more compassionate to others.
  5. You begin to think more about other people and less about yourself.
But man, if your faith is not set in it's footing, if you are not standing on something solid when that love comes into your life. If you don't know exactly what to put your faith in and what NOT to put too much faith in, that love that you thought you had for God can easily become damaged. 

For example, imagine 2 siblings. They both heard, know and believe Mark 12;30-31. So they both know to love the Lord with all their heart. And they both know to love each other as they love themselves. Because they both know that commandment, they both expect to obey, and they expect the other to obey. And because they are both obeying and believing that the other obeys, they expect that love to be shown at all times to each other. They expect that if that commandment is being followed, that special care is always taken to be nice to each other and to truly serve each other. This idea has been in my head for a while now. I guess because i'm such an emotional person. 

But this scenario has presented itself in so many forms to me, to the point where I have had to question "God why is it not working?" I see it with siblings of every age. I see it in friendships. I see it in marriages. I keep wondering, God if they love YOU like You have commanded us all to, they would automatically respect each other, and love each other, and serve each other, and think of themselves less and think of You or the other person more right? There are so many marriages that I've come across lately where the love is not being shown the way it should. There are so many sibling relationships that I've seen where they constantly got on each others nerves to the point where they won't even talk to each other. So many friendships that deteriorated because of selfishness. 

God, if their Love is true to You they would love each other right? God if my love is true to You, I would be loved in return right? hmmm.... no.  If my love TO GOD is true, i'll show my love to my children, my friends, my family, and not care about whether or not it's returned.  But God, when it isn't returned, it hurts. I have joy in you Lord. I know beyond anything that I can trust you, and that you love me beyond all my faults. I know that you would never pick on me, or joke me, or say something that may not be funny to me. But I get hurt when the love I show isn't returned God. I get hurt when someone says something that isn't true about me. I get hurt when someone betrays my trust. I get hurt when someone doesn't think of me in return when I've thought about them all day long. God I get hurt when they just don't have any faith in me God. 

But God, I guess that's when you said that if my love for You is true, I would think of myself less right? But God, aren't these legitimate concerns? God aren't these things that should concern me? I mean, I know i'm not you, and i'm just trying to become more like you. But these things all hurt. Aren't they legitimate? What do I do Lord? Show me how to handle this. Show me so that I can get it right, and so that I can help the people get this right also. Its not easy Lord, but we are a team working for you. And I will always strengthen the people as You have commanded to me that I do, and I know that they will continue to keep me lifted in prayer in this journey that You have put me on. I believe BY FAITH that together, we will all cross over this question that we all seem to have. Thank you in advance Lord God. We Love You, and Praise You and give You All The Glory, In Jesus Name.

I love you all family, be blessed.
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