God, You Probably Can't Use A Mess Like Me.......

Hey Family,

I was just listening to a rapper me and the kids all like. His name is Lecrae. He has this song and it just spoke volumes. It really is a song that at some point speaks to EVERYONE that is even considering themselves to be used, fixed, healed or touched by God in any way. It talks about things we all wonder. All the excuses that we use to NOT give our lives to God. Or reasons why we seem to convince ourselves that God can't use us. Like....
  • God, will you? Can you? Lord, I'm all messed up. You don't want someone like me. I'm too far gone for repair.
  • I came from a wretched family. 
  • I did time in prison Lord. 
  • I sold drugs to anyone that would buy it God, even pregnant women. 
  • I killed someone God. 
  • I'm a prostitute Lord.
  • I'm addicted to drugs Lord. I probably couldn't make it through one service.
  • I'm an alcoholic God, and I don't think I can kick this.
  • God, i'm homeless. I don't even have a place to shower for church.
  • God, i'm ashamed, I got divorced.
  • Lord, I have children with different men, all out of wedlock.
  • God, i'm damaged goods, I've been raped. I'm no longer pure, it's too late for me.

God can and wants to help you with all these things. The reason why Jesus died was to cover all of this. God knew that we would get ourselves in trouble. We would get ourselves in messes that we couldn't ever get ourselves out of.
  • The addictions? HE can and wants to heal you from that.
  • Things you've done that you can't take back? HE already forgave you. HE just wants to help you do and be better.
  • Make mistakes in life that you are having trouble with? HE just wants your repentant heart. HE will make things alright and help you deal with them. 
  • The Shame?  HE wants to teach you that you don't need to feel shame anymore for what HE already forgave you for.
  • The crimes committed against you? HE wants to help you forgive, and to help you see that you can use that to teach others that they don't need to suffer and that they are DIAMONDS to God, just like you.
So please, don't sit and wallow in the things that you have done, or that someone has done to you. God is the most powerful in the universe. Let HIM make everything all right. Let HIM heal you. Let HIM make you the light that HE meant for you to be. Let HIM use all your wrongs, to make more rights than you ever thought you could do on your own. There is nothing that HE can't fix. That HE can't heal. That HE can't forgive you for. Or that HE can't get for you. HE will wipe your whole slate clean when no one else will. HE will put HIS special favor on your life and you will see the world begin to shift for you. 

Invite HIM into your life. Invite HIM into your heart. You will see that even though things happen in your life, you can manage things so much easier with HIM walking through with you. 

I Love You All!! Be Blessed!!!


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