Get In The Game Wives! Submission IS Key!!!
Mark 12:30-31
And you must love the lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ 31 The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”
Hey Ladies! We not letting go of the scripture above. Cause truth be told, these men may be a headache, but we fell in love with them didn't we? And we didn't get married to get divorced. And we truly want to honor God with our marriage right? Then lets turn the tables for a few moments, and take a look at ourselves.
Now, before offense creeps into some of you sensitive wives, let me tell you real quick about my theory on WHY I used ONE scripture for the men, and I use several for women. I use ONE for men cause they are very black/white creatures. They need things straight and simple. We as women, like to use the word "But" a lot. So sometimes we need things said in different ways to be sure we cover all the angles of the "but". I will tackle the scriptures one at a time. Because I don't want any of my sisters to turn their back on me. ALSO, remember, that I was a woman that had to use a LOT of these scriptures for myself. And not to say that I'm the Proverbs 31 wife that I strive to be, but I've definitely gotten better.
Proverbs 18:22
He who finds a wife finds a good thing And obtains favor from the LORD.
This scripture I love. Because it works both ways. There is a man that found us worthy to marry. And because that man found us worthy enough to marry, that man automatically finds Favor with God. He just needs to learn how to manage that Favor properly. It works for us because there is no better place to be, than under a man that has truly found Favor with God. If my husband has found Favor with God, then I'm automatically under that covering as well. :-)
Proverbs 14:1
The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands.
This scripture holds so true to me. And I have spiritually tied it on to my heart. My own Pastor had to remind me of this scripture when I was going through some things. You have to remember, no matter what is going on, how am I reacting to this? What can I do better? It's not to say that you have done anything wrong, but everyone can do something better. Just like I told the husbands yesterday. They can do better. And so can we. Marriage is NOT one sided. Are you really nagging more than you need to be? You do realize that you can tear down your own husband that way right? Then you leave the enemy open to get into his mind to say "Well, your wife don't appreciate what you have done cause she always nagging you. Look at Becky with that good hair. She been watching you." Then you have to get all Beyoncé and want to beat down Becky with the good hair, when all you had to do was appreciate your own husband rather than nag him so much. Just being real.
Ephesians 5:33
Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband.
So this scripture reiterates what I told to the men yesterday. And since it's all scripture, it wasn't ME that said it. It's in the bible, so the word is the instruction. You choose to accept it or not. so part A of this scripture reinforces the men. Love your wife just like you love yourself. But part B says to the wives, see to it that you respect your husband. There is not additional scripture after that, that says to respect him for as long as he deserves it, for as long as he is faithful, for as long as he is respecting you. None of that. It says if you are his wife, you have to respect him as your husband. (I know ladies, I can hear you "He needs to be respecting ME as his WIFE TOO!! I know, but we are working on you right now. Don't focus on him.) So no matter what is going on, YOU always make sure that you are doing what The Word says to do. You are probably right, he sure may NOT deserve your respect. He probably doesn't even deserve your love! But guess what, do you deserve God's respect? After everything you have done in your life? Do you deserve God to still love you? Or should He have turned His back on you a long time ago? Hmmm...... Think about that one.
1 Peter 3:1-2
In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your godly lives will speak to them without any words. They will be won over by observing your pure and reverent lives.
Ladies, I know that our husbands are not perfect. We didn't marry Jesus. And we really need to come to terms with that. Our husbands are flawed. JUST LIKE WE ARE. Some of our husbands are more flawed than the other. My husband may look like an angel, compared to another. And on the same note, my husband may look like a demon compared to another. But fact of the matter is that there is only one way to make him better. And I can guarantee that it's not by nagging him, fussing at him, or doing anything else to him. The only way to get him to do better is with the conviction of the Lord. GOD is the one that has to do the work, and you have to be HUMBLE ENOUGH and SUBMITTED ENOUGH to let God do it. ***I WILL NOT SAY EVERY DAY IS EASY AS PIE*** Ladies, I'm for real. This is where so many of us trip up. There is a fine line that we have to really define and we have to really be aware of it. There is a difference between you submitting to your husband, and you allowing complete control to your husband. In your marriage, there are 2 people. You think differently. You speak differently. You like different things. You process things different. And that's ok. Do you come to the same answer at the end of it all? If you don't, then what? Do you get into a drag out fight about who is right and wrong? It shouldn't be like that. Someone has to submit. And ladies usually it's us, but the key to the submission is God. You have to pray that your OBEDIENCE to your marriage will allow Grace to fall on a Good decision. Or Mercy to fall on a bad one. But your obedience is what will do it for you. You have to allow God to do the work. Ok, I know what your next issue is. "I can't trust him to make all these decisions! He not trying to be Godly anyways!" Guess what, that's not your business. You married him right? Now your job is to be the light in your marriage. LIGHT DISPELLS DARKNESS. It may take some time, some tears, some patience, but you stay submitted, and while you are submitting PRAY. God will keep you during that time for your obedience!!!!! HE CAN'T LIE AND HE CAN'T BREAK HIS PROMISE!
Deuteronomy 5:33 says this:
Deuteronomy 5:33 says this:
Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.
So there is a reward in this for you ladies. You just need to hang in there and be obedient to what God has commanded you. He will reward you. And if necessary, in some cases (usually physical abuse) He will provide a way of escape for you. He promised that too. Don't you worry. Marriage is a pain sometimes. But it's only a pain for as much as we allow it to be.
Ok ladies, I pray you are not mad at me. But I do pray you have found yourself in this post today. I love you all, especially my sisters. Be Very Blessed.
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