Tag Someone In!!

Hey Ya'll!!! So as I've said before in a post, it's Fight for the Family month! And the enemy is hard at work causing stress, exhaustion, frustrations, challenges, and anything else he thinks will cause us all to get so worked up until we faint.

The struggle is REAL! The enemy is real!! And the weapons he is using against you are real! It's that Oh My Goodness kind of real!!! Let me tell you, he was hard at work on my life for the last 2 weeks. And I've been fighting. Using the name. Pleading the blood. Praising. Worshiping. Sometimes even through tears. It's an exhausting thing when you have to fight this hard. And it's not about how dedicated you are to God. It's not about how much you love God. In the spirit you can fight, to the point of exhaustion. Some of you are probably wondering "how do you get tired when all you are doing is praying?". But let me tell you. When you are doing this day in and day out. Commanding your faith to rise higher than the things you actually see in the natural. And trying to keep up "life" without becoming so weak that it affects your spirit. It's exhausting. But let me show you the answer. It's found in Exodus 17:8-13

Israel Defeats the Amalekites
8While the people of Israel were still at Rephidim, the warriors of Amalek attacked them. 9Moses commanded Joshua, “Choose some men to go out and fight the army of Amalek for us. Tomorrow, I will stand at the top of the hill, holding the staff of God in my hand.”
10So Joshua did what Moses had commanded and fought the army of Amalek. Meanwhile, Moses, Aaron, and Hur climbed to the top of a nearby hill. 11As long as Moses held up the staff in his hand, the Israelites had the advantage. But whenever he dropped his hand, the Amalekites gained the advantage. 12Moses’ arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset. 13As a result, Joshua overwhelmed the army of Amalek in battle.

I can imagine that this had to be a long battle. People back then, unlike us now, were very physical. So holding up a staff would not be so difficult. But holding anything up for a long time will wear on the muscles of anyone. You try holding a cup only half full of water in front of you with your arm stretched out. Seems simple, but after a while your arm will start to hurt. Just like Moses was becoming tired. Aaron and Hur had to get him a rock to sit on to rest his body, and they were not charged with holding the staff, so they held up his hands. 

What this means is God will always have someone nearby that will help you. They will pray to strengthen you. And they will pray over your situation. I know it because I had to "tag someone in" my fight for a day this week. I was so overwhelmed that I was just exhausted. I needed a break or I was going to break. But my situations could not go uncovered. But luckily, I have a strong team of at least 3 spiritual prize fighters in my corner that I know that I can call on knowing that I can tag them in to my fight so that I can rest up. And they have me as one of theirs to tag in as well when they are weak. 

There is a key to your rest tho!!!!! THIS is where you need to be careful!! The point in any break is to re-up on your strength. When wrestlers tag team, one is fighting while the other is cheering and not getting physically beat up. It doesn't look like they are resting because they are so active outside of the ring, but they are physically resting. Their brain is still going because they are watching the opponent and making sure they are paying attention to their partner to be sure they don't get beat down too much, or else they will have to get tagged back in! 

In football and in basketball, there is a first and second string. Starters and back ups even. The second string people (and sometimes 3rd and sometimes 4th string as well) relieve the starters so that they can rest. While they are resting they are hydrating, stretching and tending to strains or injuries so they are ready to jump back in. 

It's the same in the spirit. If you find yourself needing to tag someone in, your rest time should be focused on feeding and repairing your faith and feeding your spirit. You need to take some time to pray and study. You need to get your spirit back to where it needs to be. SPIRITUAL FIGHT MODE. You need to do what you have to do to FEED YOUR FAITH. You don't need to get an extra hour or 3 of sleep. You don't need to catch up on the episodes of your favorite tv show. You don't need to go shopping for an extra outfit or accessories for an event. This is your spiritual re-up time. Not your natural break time.

And the fight that your tag team partner is temporarily covering WAS ASSIGNED TO YOU FOR A REASON. It's not your fight, it is God's. But it's your duty to cover it in prayer and keep the faith and keep everyone else involved encouraged while He does His work in it.

I pray that you have all found or will be able to find someone to keep you covered if you need to tag someone in. Your fight is important to God, as i'm sure you feel that it is important to you. Find yourself a good tag team partner that you know will fight in the spirit with you and for you if necessary, so you can re-up your faith! Someone is there for you!!! God always provides the help!!!

I love you all and I pray that you are BLESSED!!!!!!!!!


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