Today's Joy

I was talking to a friend the other day about how she was so frustrated because someone came to her with her personal pity party that she/he has had for quite a while now. She did the right thing and spoke life into her/him and that was very well done. She sympathized but didn't join the the pity party.

The thing that popped out to me was that this person had this pity party going on for longer than a day. Never mind that The Word says JOY COMES IN THE MORNING. You can argure that The Word doesn't say WHAT morning joy will come in. But my logic tells me that it comes in THE morning. So if I have a bad day today and I know that Joy comes in THE morning, that means to me that when morning comes, it's got some JOY in there for me to receive! If I chose NOT to receive it, it's on me. BUT JOY IS THERE.

This brings me to ask, how many mornings have you not let joy in just because you are stressed out or mad about something that already happened? Is there something you can do to fix it? Yes? Then please get the tools together with your courage and do it. If you cannot do anything about it, give it to God, turn your back on that "yesterday" so you can leave it there and ALLOW JOY into your today.

All My Love.... Ana aka Christian Girl


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