Self Check

Hi All, well, if you notice anything about me up til now, you know that I will always do, and will always push you to always do a SELF check. Many days we go to church and find those messages that are just so good. And there are some that you just say "I wish so and so was here to hear this". But how many times do you find yourself in the message, and it's not in the way you want to admit that you found yourself? That was me today when I really got real.

We have been studying being Salt and Light in the world this month. And for anyone who doesn't really understand, the short explanation is being a Christ-Like example of Jesus on earth today. But today, they took the topic into being Salt and Light AT WORK.

I like to think of myself as a good example of Christ at work. I stay positive as much as possible. I don't get into the fussing and gossip. I don't abuse work time by taking excessive breaks/lunches. I don't show up late. I don't lie about when I have to be out just to take time off. But this one scripture really made me see ME.

Proverbs 12:24  
The hand of the diligent will rule,
But the lazy man will be put to forced labor.

Wow, I really hadn't faced the fact that there was so much negativity at my job right now, that even though I have days that no matter what anyone else's mood is, and no matter how much moping around, and fussing I may overhear, or my teammates would tell me, I can still smile and enjoy things. But some days, the flesh will be weak, and i fall into their same holes... Even if i don't join in the woe is me party, I'm also in my own woe is me party. My own God why has thou forsaken me party. And all i want is an exit. All i want to do is complain about how miserable i feel. I'll look around and see no end in sight to my misery. I see no real growth that can be attained in this group. And in the midst of these feelings, I will no longer be as productive. I am easily distracted to anything that can take me away from the "miserable" work I'm having to do. Usually, I find myself on email talking about God or ways God can help me or someone else, or on a text, or even just reading scriptures on google. But guess what, lets get this straight. Just because I am testifying about the Lord during work, or studying a few scriptures doesn't make it right. At that point, I am now using the Lord as an excuse to get out of the responsibility at hand! What!!!??? What a way to abuse and use the Lord!!!!! No matter what Good I thought I was going to do, or that I thought I was going to get by doing that, it was my heart condition that was completely wrong!!!! How dare I use the Lord like that!!!! In all of this, NOT ONCE did I thank the Lord that I DO have a job to provide for my family's needs. NOT ONCE did I remember to "Work Willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people" like I have POSTED RIGHT ON MY COMPUTER MONITOR! 

I say all of this to remind you of how easy it is to fall into a trap. Even for a girl as dedicated to really doing my best for the Lord. Don't let the outside world, slowly drive you from what you already know. There are many scenarios that you can put yourself in where we could be a better example of being Christlike. It's not just at work. Are you showing your family that you are Christlike at home? Are you showing your family that you are Christlike at the family reunion? When you go run your errands and you are in a complete rush, are you showing the person you almost ran over in the store that you are Christlike? There are many ways we can show the world that we CAN be like Christ. 

I challenge you to find an area of your life where you can show someone that you are like Christ in that area. And when you have that area set and you feel like you've really got it down, I challenge you to find another area. Because I can guarantee you, there is another area we can ALL be more like Christ. Myself Included. 

I love you all, have a wonderful Sunday!


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