Blessing people.... It's a blessing. Today God said someone needs help in their marriage. So I want to encourage someone in their marriage. I pray that I can give you the hope you need by getting clarity of the purpose of marriage.

This is Part 1. I will give you Part 2 tomorrow.

We all know the facts right? That God made Adam from a pile of dust. (Talk about humbling. When you remember that you are dust, humility comes much easier.) That God Himself, breathed life into Man. God took Adams rib and made Eve. But let's take the word and talk about that for a second and let's personalize it a little. Wherever you see my name, wives insert yours. And wherever you see my husband's name, husbands insert yours. Let's review the scripture first.

Genesis 2:18, 21-22 NLT
Then the lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person. Then the lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” So the lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the lord God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening. Then the lord God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man.

So first, God created Reggie. He was wonderful. Created in Gods own image. God was pleased with this creation. (I'm pleased too God!! THANK YOU!!!) God Himself breathed life into Reggie. So seeing that God himself, the King of ALL Kings Himself, breathed life into Reggie, it is due back to God from Reggie, that Reggie honor and respect God. That reverence that can only be due to God.

But there was something that God did see wrong with the picture. Reggie was alone. So when Reggie took that first nap, that is when God took his rib from him, and He made me.

Now let's go deeper. God created Reggie. Reggie was created to run things. To get and keep things in order, so to speak. It wasn't until God looked at Reggie and said "he is capable, but he is gonna need some help." That's where I come in. I was created to HELP Reggie. Not to have my own plans and goals and that I EXPECT Reggie to fall in line with what I got going on for me. My purpose in life is to be Reggie's HELP.

Now ladies, please don't get frustrated with me. I'm not turning my sisters into the enemy. Lol! Stay with me on this!!

I was created to be Reggie's help. I was created to say "baby what do you need help in today? Where can I help you?" Or I can say "baby, you have to work late, I got dinner, dishes and the kids." Or "I know you have ministry work to do today, go do that and I got the house". I Am His Help. I do the overflow of what he can't do himself. Reggie is NOT sitting on the couch and I'm running circles doing everything. He is taking the lead As The Man God Created Him To Be. And I Help Him. I'm not his maid, butler, or personal assistant. I'm his helper for life.

Now on the Flipside, God created Ana from Reggie's own rib. Therefore, Reggie has to LEARN how delicate his rib really is and take care of it accordingly. Any man who has ever played a contact sport knows you have to protect your ribs. Therefore, Reggie has to protect Ana (his rib) the way that he would protect his ribs in his physical body. Here are a few examples:
     1. Reggie will cover me in prayer daily.
     2. Reggie will keep me protected physically.
     3. Reggie will protect me emotionally.

Protection is what's expected. The method of protection has to be learned. Why would any man intentionally allow his rib to be cracked or broken or bruised??? That hurts!!! It may happen by accident but that rib, cared for properly, can easily be repaired. Cared For Properly. You cannot injure a rib, and say it will heal itself and go off on your day as nothing happened. It will not heal correctly. You have to bandage it and you may have to take something to lessen the pain as it heals. But it takes Care to heal.

So when I am Reggie's true "help meet", and do what I was created to do first, he will naturally be happy and will always make sure that I have what I need to keep me happy. If I want to assist in ministries at church, I have the liberty and the blessing from Reggie to do so. If I want to start a business or go to school again, I will have the liberty and blessing from Reggie to do so. Ana will also have the liberty of being able to separate herself from everyone for a time (when and how much time we mutually agree to, I can't just decide, I'm taking the rest of the week off from all of ya'll) and just have time with the Lord on my own without worrying about being a wife or a mother or a help meet or an employee or an employer or anything else that I may be labeled to be. And I can do that all with Reggie's blessing.

So there is a purpose in all that you do and if you're finding that there is conflict in your marriage, maybe you can take a deeper look at where YOU (don't you look for the other persons faults before your own, we'll save that topic for another future blog entry) may be faltering in God's plan and how he created each of you to work together and work for each other for HIS Glory.

I pray you all were blessed and able to find yourselves in this today. I love you all. Have a great day!


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