
Showing posts from September, 2016

Abigail Submission - Part 2

Hi Family, I hope those of you who don't know Abigail's story were enticed to read ahead and find out what happened. If you didn't, its ok. We are going to cover it now. So just to review, David sent his men to see Nabal in Maon to ask for an offering for the goodness and protection that David's men served over the season. But Nabal with his ungrateful high and mighty self rejected the request saying Who is this son of..... Jesse. Now, ya'll know how you react when anyone says "son of" and they are talking about you. So you can imagine David has now strapped up with all his available men and he is about to roll out to Maon to tear down Nabal and anyone connected to him! One of Nabals servants heard what David's men asked of Nabal and Nabal's response. He knew what was about to happen so he ran to Abigail and told her what happened and pleaded for her to do something. What I love there is that the servants knew they had someone in the home who ...

Abigail Submission

Hi Family, So God revealed something to me in my sleep. That some of my sisters are married to some difficult men. Some men that it's going to take a little work in order to either decrease yourself in order to grow them to a good place where they are feeling good. Or there is just too much risk involved in order to grow them to a good place. There are the wives that may need to have an Abigail type of submission. Lets read this story. It's a little long, so i'll try to skip parts where I can and summarize parts where I can. 1 Samuel 25 2-3 There was a certain man in Maon who carried on his business in the region of Carmel. He was very prosperous—three thousand sheep and a thousand goats, and it was sheep-shearing time in Carmel. The man’s name was Nabal (Fool), a Calebite, and his wife’s name was Abigail. The woman was intelligent and good-looking, the man brutish and mean. 4-8   David, out in the backcountry, heard that Nabal was shearing his sheep and sent ...

Why is submission so hard?

Hey!!! I know family, a few of you may have tried the whole "give him something" idea and maybe it hurt your soul to do it. Why does it hurt so bad to trust them with something simple? Cause we are afraid it won't be done "right". But why do we feel that we know what "right" is? Cause we want to be the one who knows. Granted,  this happens to men as well. This is not a sex divided topic. Some men have the same kind of issues, but in their case it's usually called "control". That's why becoming submitted is so difficult at times for women. I'll tackle "control" as another blog topic. So we asked why is it so hard. Let's go back to the beginning. Waaaaaay in the beginning. Let's go to  Genesis 2:8-9 and 15-17 8Then the lord God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he placed the man he had made. 9The lord God made all sorts of trees grow up from the ground—trees that were beautiful and tha...


My Family, Charlotte has reminded me of a modern day Sodom. Here is how: Engaged in consensual homosexual acts Were uncharitable and abusive to strangers Wanted to humiliate their visitors Wanted to adsorb the power of the angels Ungodly, unprincipled and lawless Pride, laziness, insensitivity to the needs of the poor, and haughtiness If you would like to read where I got these points from (other than the bible) you can find them here: IF you agree with these points, please remember this story and Pray for Charlotte with me. As I post these verses, I have replaced the names "Sodom and Gomorrah" with Charlotte. This is found in Genesis 18:16-33. Please don't think that you can only sit back in the US and do nothing. Abraham interceded in prayer for a city. So can we. Abraham Intercedes for CHARLOTTE 16 Then the men got up from their meal and looked out toward CHARLOTTE. As they left, Abraham we...

Beginning Submission... CHALLENGE!!!!

Hey Family, I have to be honest that I have been giggling at myself and shaking my head as I remember that I decided to do Submission this week. Especially when I've had things in my heart that have been challenging my God assigned call to being an example of submission in my marriage as well as at my job. Believe me, the statement is so true, that when you make a declaration to do something, the enemy is there to challenge your commitment to it! So the other morning, I had a sister in Christ from college to reach out to me. I hadn't spoken to her in a while. Last we had spoken she had decided she had had enough and was going to begin the process of divorce. She received the straw that broke the camel's back. But when I asked how married life was going she told me that they decided to try to make it work. That is the story with so many of my sisters. Things happen. In many cases our men have messed up and we recieve the last straw. (Not to say that we as wom...

Marital Submission? Wha?

Hi Family! God put something in my heart early today. I was talking to one of my friends who recently got divorced and we got to talking about submission in marriage. She said something and it immediately reminded me of the person that I was in my first marriage. The most independent, non-compliant, non-submissive woman ever. My husband was NOT about to tell me what to do. I was raised as a woman who honors and serves her husband (old school Latino raising) by watching my parents. I always had that in my heart, that the man is the king of the castle. But when that king was not acting like a king, that respect was gone, and everything I 'learned" went right out the window. I won't go into the things i'd said or done because it was pure nonsense and it doesn't give God any glory. So it's a mute point. But what I realized in my conversations with different women is that there is big time confusion between what Submission is and what Giving up control is. So m...

Hope For Single Parents

Hey Family, I know that I have already sent a post, but I needed to get this special one out today. As the day has gone on and I've gone to service, and I've been thinking about the successes I've seen in my life and in the lives of the people I love around me. I can't help but to think of something very special. 21 years ago today I was away in my freshman year at college. I got a call that my sister had gone into labor. It was an amazing day for me. Stressful because I could not be there, but it was amazing regardless. Even though I was not the one having a baby, in my heart, I was. That little boy coming into the world from that day forth would forever and always be called my own first born son. And even though it would be 6 years before I became a mother myself, my nephew was always my first born son. He just had that piece of my heart. After I moved across the country to Arizona, I was losing my mind dealing with my own mess. But also wondering if my nephew ...

Where Is Your Treasure?

Matthew 6:21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. This is not going to be a long word family. This is one of those verses that make you say "ok, it is what it is". But what makes you think about this verse a little more seriously is when you ask yourself the question. So lets reread the verse first.   Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. So now the question that you need to ask yourself is where is my treasure?  Basically what we need to be thinking about here is that God wants our love (our heart). But if our heart is chasing something, or finding something else more important than God, then... well.... maybe you just don't love God the way you claim to.  What this means in simpler terms is, if you love the nightclub so much that you would go on saturday night, knowing you need to be at Service on Sunday morning, the club has become your treasure.  If you have $20 in your ...

Tag Someone In!!

Hey Ya'll!!! So as I've said before in a post, it's Fight for the Family month! And the enemy is hard at work causing stress, exhaustion, frustrations, challenges, and anything else he thinks will cause us all to get so worked up until we faint. The struggle is REAL! The enemy is real!! And the weapons he is using against you are real! It's that Oh My Goodness kind of real!!! Let me tell you, he was hard at work on my life for the last 2 weeks. And I've been fighting. Using the name. Pleading the blood. Praising. Worshiping. Sometimes even through tears. It's an exhausting thing when you have to fight this hard. And it's not about how dedicated you are to God. It's not about how much you love God. In the spirit you can fight, to the point of exhaustion. Some of you are probably wondering "how do you get tired when all you are doing is praying?". But let me tell you. When you are doing this day in and day out. Commanding your faith to rise hi...

God, Fight This Battle For Me!!!!!!!!

Hey Family, I thought I had my topic of the day. But I had some other things in my heart that were creating a battle for me to get what the message was. So I went on my prayer walk early today (mostly because I have other work things scheduled for the time I would normally take my walk) and I found myself just crying out. I could not speak my needs. But my heart was in a state of pain and distress and just crying out. It reminded me for a moment of this scripture: Rom 8:26-27 ESV 26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.  27 And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. It was exactly what was going on. I needed so desperately to pray. But I had so much on my heart that I could not create words at all. Literally. But in the little that ...

Goodness!! Ugly Packaging!!!

Hey Everyone! Sorry I been a MIA lately. Had some things to handle. Some of God's work that needed to be dealt with. I truly felt like Esther for that one. But let me tell you, when God has you on a journey, it doesn't always look or feel good. But when it's all done!!! And you see what in the world all the work and worry and stress was for!!!! Suddenly everything is alright. And if it's not perfect yet, you do begin to have a gratefulness in your heart that is beyond anyone's understanding!!! Which brings me to this story. When I was a kid, Christmas was my favorite holiday. It still is, but for a very different reason. I can remember being 8, 9, 10, even 13 knowing that I may not see much under the tree the whole month coming up to Christmas, but on Christmas morning, Santa always came through. I knew it was going to happen, because Santa had a long history of doing that. It was written in the many many books that I've read. He always came through last mi...

Get In The Game Wives! Submission IS Key!!!

Mark 12:30-31 And you must love the lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ 31 The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” ___________________________________________________________________________ Hey Ladies! We not letting go of the scripture above. Cause truth be told, these men may be a headache, but we fell in love with them didn't we? And we didn't get married to get divorced . And we truly want to honor God with our marriage right? Then lets turn the tables for a few moments, and take a look at ourselves.  Now, before offense creeps into some of you sensitive wives, let me tell you real quick about my theory on  WHY I used ONE scripture for the men, and I use several for women. I use ONE for men cause they are very black/white creatures. They need things straight and simple. We as women, like to use the word "But" a lot. So som...

Get In The Game Husbands!! Be That Leader!!

Mark 12:30-31 30 And you must love the lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ 31 The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” The other day, we said we are NOT taking any more L's. Well let me tell you, I don't care how many questions I have. This house is STILL not taking no L's! So here is what we have. I'm going to tackle these things one at a time. So I have something for marriages. Because i'm done with seeing so many marriages going down in flames. I'm going to try to say all of this in order. And Lord God, I need your strength in this. Father God protect any hearts from the spirit of offense or condemnation. Lord God if someone finds themselves feeling the weight of the holy spirit on them, allow them your precious mercy and give them just enough pressure to ask for your forgiveness. But God at that moment, give them something tha...

Been In The Game.... Still So Many Questions....

 (Background Music Credited to Minister Patrick Pate II - Awesome Love. See Video At Bottom of Post) Having questions does not mean that you don't believe... It doesn't mean that you are a not a Christian... It does not mean that you don't have faith... It just means you have questions... Naturally, as people, we want to understand... it's in our nature. We are human. We have a need or a desire to just understand. Therefore, there will always be questions... And i'm still full of so many questions myself... Some that people can answer... Some that no one but God can answer.  In church this month, we are in a topic that has always been so important to me. Every single service is geared for something that has to do with this subject. It's Fight For The Family month. I didn't go to the early service, but I went for our second service we covered Mark 12:30-31. Here is what it says: 30 And you must love the lord your God with all your heart, all your sou...

God, You Probably Can't Use A Mess Like Me.......

Hey Family, I was just listening to a rapper me and the kids all like. His name is Lecrae. He has this song and it just spoke volumes. It really is a song that at some point speaks to EVERYONE that is even considering themselves to be used, fixed, healed or touched by God in any way. It talks about things we all wonder. All the excuses that we use to NOT give our lives to God. Or reasons why we seem to convince ourselves that God can't use us. Like.... God, will you? Can you? Lord, I'm all messed up. You don't want someone like me. I'm too far gone for repair. I came from a wretched family.  I did time in prison Lord.  I sold drugs to anyone that would buy it God, even pregnant women.  I killed someone God.  I'm a prostitute Lord. I'm addicted to drugs Lord. I probably couldn't make it through one service. I'm an alcoholic God, and I don't think I can kick this. God, i'm homeless. I don't even have a place to shower for church. ...