Will You Accept The Challenge?

"If A Change Is Desired, A Challenge Is Required"

I heard that stated on the radio once, and it impacted me so hard that I took it, printed it and posted in my work area as soon as I got to work. Everyday I look at it and I wonder what it means in my life for the day. What needs to change? What do I WANT in my life?

Well, the first think I knew, was that I wanted more income. Well, that just doesn't fall out of the sky when you call it, so I had to think deeper than that. I had to ask myself, if I want that income change, what's the challenge that I need to go through in order to spark it? Duh, a promotion or new position right? Ok, so now that we have that answered, how in the world do I get there? I am in a place where promotion is not available in my immediate area. So my only option is new position. Now the question is Where? There are so many departments in my company that I could go Anywhere!! Well, that sounds really great, but truth be told, I need training. There is the challenge. Now the questions become:
  1. What can I do where I am in order to train myself in certain areas which will ultimately be the ticket to another position?
  2. Can I/Do I want to go back to school for a degree?
  3. Am I willing to do the spiritual work needed to keep me grounded in this process and keep my spirit in line so that God can/will let Grace and Mercy fall?

All 3 of those items require some kind of personal challenge for me. Decisions that no matter which I choose, require me to make changes/adjustments to an already packed, busy, and tiring lifestyle. But then I have to ask myself:
  1. Is a change truly desired?
  2. Why is this change desired?
  3. What does this change mean for me and my family
  4. Does it make a better me?
  5. Does the change provide a chance for God to be Glorified?

Those are things going on for just me right now. But that quote applies to anything we go through in our lives. If you want to come out of debt, a challenge is required to make it happen. If you want to quit doing drugs/drinking, a challenge is required for that. If you want to rise early to pray or study or even to work out, a challenge is required for that. When you are about to enter into a spiritual fast, a challenge is required for that. ANY TIME you want to change something in your life, usually for the better, there is a challenge that goes along with it.

Surround yourself by like minded POSITIVE people when you are going into and through the Challenge Time. Negativity will almost certainly take you out of line with the goal that you set for yourself. Making it easy to give yourself an excuse to quit/hold/pause/postpone.

If you are ready and in need of a Change, Challenges Will Be Required. Even a temporary shift of your inner circle may be required to help you succeed. What is the "it" that you need? Do you want it that bad? Are you tired of whatever has been keeping you hostage in your life? Are you ready to finally make the change? Are you are willing to accept the Challenge that goes before that Change?
I am.
Image result for CHANGEImage result for CHANGE
Be Blessed! I love you all!!!


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