The Struggle Is Real.....

Psalm 118:5
When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD; he brought me into a spacious place.

Sometimes in our lives, we go through. And I'm for real. We really GO THROUGH. Whether it's in finances. Living paycheck to paycheck. Making things stretch as far as they will go. And then its summer vacation the kids are home. They are eating you out of house and home which is NOT in the budget. Believe me, I know. The financial struggle is real.

Or if that's not your issue, there is the general behavior of the kids. They are acting a fool. Being defiant for absolutely no reason. Things they are doing make absolutely no sense to you. People always say how wonderful having kids is. And it really is. But everyone seems to skip this section of parenting. It's not that hard to follow just a few rules, right? Believe me. I know. The struggle in parenting is very real.

Or if that's not your issue either, you are just slam tired of this every day job. You may be getting paid decent. And that's good. You are providing for home. But if you are really honest, you are miserable in it. It's the same-o same-o every day. The team you work with complains every day, sometimes you realize that they complain ALL DAY every day. So you just put in your ear buds and keep it moving. Yea, I know that one too. The struggle for happiness in your career is real too.

Oh, you don't have those issues? Oh it's marital? Ok, so you and your spouse seem to not be able to agree on anything. Even on what side do you want to have with the fried chicken that you both want for dinner. "Really? We are arguing about sides? Are you kidding me?" Or maybe your spouse doesn't like the way you fold clothes. Or maybe you don't like the way your spouse takes too much time in the bathroom. (smiling) Yea, I know that too. The marital struggle is real too.

What? That's not your issue either? Oh! You're single. I'm sorry. Everyone around you is either in a great dating relationship, or getting married, or already married. And here you are still single. Not only single, but broken hearted from the last relationship that didn't turn out right. There is still a hole in your heart that you can't fill. And maybe, not only are you broken hearted, lonely, looking for love, but you have these kids relying on you too. The Single struggle is real. So is the Single Parent Struggle. I know both of those too.

Oh, you don't know what the issue is? Hmmm..... Well, you know. I do know one thing. All these items need a solution. (yea, I heard you say Duh Ana, what's the point of this.) The solution is at the hospital. No, I'm not saying you need to take a trip to your closest emergency room, or call your PCP to make an appointment, or even the mental institution. The hospital I'm talking about is your Church. The church that knows how to speak to you. Oh, I see, you don't want to go to Church cause all those people already got it together. Sweetheart no. That's the hospital. I can guarantee you, on any Sunday or Wednesday, 99% of the people have a problem that needs a solution as well. Put it this way, if no one was sick, hospitals would not be needed right? So for as long as there are needs that must be met, people getting hurt emotionally/mentally or in any other way, there will be a church hospital ready and willing to help in the process of getting someone healed. Now lets be clear. The church is NOT what will heal you. The church is merely the hospital. Its where those who knows that they can't fix the problem themselves go to find help for it. And your the ministers you find there? No, they aren't the dr's either. They are the emergency room Triage nurses. They make sure you aren't not about to go off the edge. If you have a fever while you wait on the Dr, they give you some Tylenol. They can only give you one of those really good bandages that you can't just get at CVS or Walgreens, to cover your wound for the moment while you want on the Dr. But they can't fix you either. The Pastor? Guess what? No, they are the Dr either. They are just the head charge Nurse at the hospital. They have special clearances and access to certain medicines that the triage nurses can't give you. They have more knowledge and experience in the hospital setting than the triage nurses. God is your Dr. He is the one that can heal your wounds/problems. If your marriage is having communication issues, there are underlying issues, and only God can heal those. You need to find that Dr. And if you are in financial distress, God can fix that too. Where is your faith that He can do it? I've seen Him do it. Oh the kids are acting a fool, yea, God got them too. Do you have enough faith to believe it? I bet you do. You just decided in your head already that it's gonna take a miracle. Well, you said it right. It's gonna take a miracle. And last time I checked, I couldn't just pull miracles out of my tote bag, or else ALL my problems would have been fixed as soon as I noticed them! LOL! . But God can pour them down like rain. Every think about asking Him? And if you don't hear from Him the first time you ask, you do realize, it's ok to go back and say "God, I didn't hear your reply about that miracle. Things have been so crazy in my life that I'm having trouble slowing my world down enough to hear from You. Can you maybe help me calm things down, and give me just enough Peace in my heart and mind so I can be still enough to hear You? I don't want to mess things up any more than I already have. I don't know how to fix things, but they are really a mess and I don't know how much more I can take. I just need some Peace and I need You. And I know You can give me both. Please help me Lord."  Simple English. Honest Prayer. From the heart. That's all God needs to hear from you. Your heart, put in your simplest words. Don't be afraid of the people in the church who can pray in front of everyone and has all the most eloquent words, and they seem to have words that come from the pits of their souls. I used to be intimidated by that. Sometimes I wonder if I still am. Because I truly don't like to pray in front of people. But fact of the matter is you need to pray for at least yourself. So why not start today? If you already have an active prayer life, why not take it higher? Lets ALL go higher. That's what God wants after all. Us to talk to Him and pour out our problems and our hearts, and be honest and humble enough to say "God I messed up again. I need your help. I did this. And now this happened. I thought I was fixing it, but I made it worse. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I CAN do anything. Can you work this out? I'll wait for you. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Be Blessed! I Love You All!!!


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