
John 20:3-6

 Peter and the other disciple started out for the tomb. They were both running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He stooped and looked in and saw the linen wrappings lying there, but he didn’t go in. Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside.

Hi everyone, I was talking to one of my girls about a friend she has. This friend is a great person. Young and  he has a dream for his life. Unfortunately, in his young age, he has decided to settle and for some reason is not pursuing his dream.

This reminds me of the days when I had "a dream". I had my dream for a little while. I lived it. Then life started to occur. And one day, I realized, I can't do my dream anymore. Not like this. And that dream was aborted. Since then, my dreams have changed. They have evolved into things more meaningful, more special. And I have learned how to protect that dream. How to do what I can to keep it alive.

So today, I want to ask you. Where is your dream? Is it still alive in you? Even though you may be older now, do you still desire that thing? Did you decide that you can't do it? You had kids? You got arrested at some point in your life and you think it disqualified you? You failed out of college? You dropped out of college?

Lots of things happen in life that get us off track from our Dream. Like the things I mentioned before. Some of those things are things that we mentally do ourselves. We convince ourselves that a certain dream is way out of our reach. Or we are just afraid to go as far as it takes to make it happen.

Lets take the trip down memory lane with the disciple Peter. If you study him you'll discover he was Jesus's ride or die dude. If Jesus was performing a miracle, Peter was there. If Jesus was up early, Peter was nearby. When Jesus was on the boat in the storm, Peter was there. When Jesus was walking on water, who did He bid to come to Him? Peter. When the other disciples faith was getting a little shaky, who reassured them, Peter. When Jesus asked the disciples "Who do you say I am?" who answered? Peter. I'd say Peter was pretty ride or die. Until that day..... we all know it. He denied Jesus 3 times.

That's really what happens with us too. We are going through life chasing our dream. That thing that is our heartbeat. Enjoying the journey of preparing for what's supposed to be a great life. Finding a way to build our career. Great Plan!! And then, something you never thought happens. Peter knew that he was so ride or die for Jesus that he would never do something like deny him. And when we are going through life, we never think that something (got pregnant, got arrested, injuries, divorce, family crisis) is going to derail us. When Peter realized that he DID deny Jesus those 3 times, he went into such a depression and he went into hiding. A shame and pain took over him that he had failed. I know that feeling very well. To be going through with something, and everything is going great, and I failed. I'm sure that Peter got labeled, even by the other disciples. "The backstabber", I can imagine they thought of Peter, the same way they did of Judas for betraying Jesus. How many of us hit that roadblock and "failed" and whether or not someone else labeled you, you actually labeled yourself? I guess we are all Peter at some point in our lives. We all thought we had that thing down, until we messed up.

Some of you still, even though you had your roadblock along the way, still carry that dream. Still have even a glimmer of hope, that you can still do it. I'm here to tell you, there is still hope. Take a look at this verse about Peter....
Matthew 16:18
Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.

Now if you aren't reading this with a spiritual mind, you won't catch it, but this verse, mixed with the revelation that I am like Peter, gives me some SERIOUS HOPE AND DRIVE FOR LIFE!!! If I'm Peter, and God (equal to Jesus) does not lie, He said that I'm Peter, and He will build His church upon me (my heart), and WHAT?? ALL THE POWERS OF HELL WILL NOT CONQUER IT!!!??? Are you kidding me!!?? That means I Can't Fail!!!! That failure that I thought I had, it wasn't no failure!! It was a set back! It can't stop me, I can't be conquered!! Now is the time where you have to find out, if you really want that thing like you thought you did!!!

Ok, look back at the scripture at the top of the page. This takes place after Jesus has been crucified and put in the tomb. At this point Mary Magdalene has discovered that the tomb is open and Jesus is not in the tomb. She has told some of the disciples to come see for themselves.

So Peter and another disciple go off running to the tomb, and what gets me is the "other" disciple got to the finish line first and he didn't cross it! You ever get so close to your dream and never take that last step? Did you ever see someone that you shared the same dream with and they ran hard and fast. Faster than everyone else and you saw them get right there and they just stopped??? That's what I feel happened here. While on the run, they both had the same "dream". To get to the tomb and see for themselves if Jesus really was NOT in there. The fast disciple got to the tomb and just peeked in. What was he afraid of? Did he feel he wasn't worthy enough to go in there? I don't know. I'd love to know what was going through his head. Why he chose not to go in. But Peter, the one who was ride or die. The one that was on track to his dream with Jesus until that day where he denied Him. This was Peter's 2nd chance to live his dream. All he had to do was find out where was Jesus, was He really no longer in His tomb? Had the King returned? His faith had skyrocketed at that time and nothing was stopping him from finding out the truth of where was Jesus. He did NOT stop at the entrance of the tomb. He ran right through that finish line and entered the tomb. He got his answer. Jesus was not in the tomb and he knew the Romans didn't have him. Jesus Had Returned! Now that's drive.

So as you get through this journey called life, pay attention to those things that you call fails. They may not have been fails at all. They may just be the thing that pushes you further into your dream. You need to dig harder. So you messed up. Don't let that stop you. So you flunked out, go back or find another way. So you had a baby, get you a good support system that understands, and you chase that dream. You just need to remember, if you find that you are a lot like Peter, know that Jesus said He will build a church on your heart, and NOTHING will prevail against it!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T LOSE!!!!!!!

Be blessed!!! I love you all!!!!!


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