Growth, Development and Leadership

Hello Family!

I woke up quite a few times in the middle of the night Sunday night into Monday morning, and at least the last few times that I woke up, those 2 words came into my mind. Growth, Development and Leadership. I am not quite sure why they came to mind the way they did. But I don't deny that God may be trying to do or say something. It truly is a year of growth and development for me. Even at church, most if not all of the ministries have had a focus of Growth and Development.

It really does not matter what you are looking for in life. Whether it is in family life or politics. Your job or your church. You look to someone for guidance. Whether you do it by their side or in their shadow.

Then this happened. You have no idea that you are someone else's leader. There is someone who is watching you for guidance. How to handle certain types of children. How to handle a difficult boss. How to manage things in the day to day of married life. How to walk the walk of a true Christian.  All these things are for real.

So as this Growth, Development and Leadership topic stirred in my mind and in my heart, I kept thinking of different examples and times that I have been getting "trained" in different areas of my life.

In the different ministries that I am involved in, most have had something in place where you are put in a small place of leadership so that you may develop in that place. And little by little we've taken on just a little bit more. Leading in prayer. Leading a smaller piece of a whole team. Etc.

At my job, I have been a type of leader to my teammates as they cross train and learn the different things that I do as well. I keep saying "The Lord is about to bless me with a new position, because He is preparing the team!" LOL! But there is also leadership that I look to as well. I look to learn other things from other people on my team as well as people outside of the team.

At my church, I look at different marriages to see how they behave, how the communicate and how they interact. GRANTED, I do not know the struggles that most of them have had or maybe continue to have behind closed doors. But I can see if there is anything that affects them. I watch how they respect each other in public places. I see how they are able to work together when they are on the same ministry. And in turn, people watch Reggie and I. As it was proven in a story that someone told us this past Sunday where this particular man was watching how Reggie and I were interacting.

I guess what I'm saying in regards to this topic is never to be complacent where you are. EVERY place that God puts you leaves room for Growth and Development. Which in turn turns into Leadership. On the same token, what your behavior, your speech, your reactions. There is always someone watching you as their Leader to learn how to Grow and Develop themselves. And it's not always children.

Just something to think about today. I love you all! Be Blessed!!!!!!


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