Family: Good for Nothing, Good for Everything-2

Hey Family,

So our poor Joseph, I can imagine, had to deal with a lot of emotional rejection from his own family. He had a lot of pressure of making sure he could emotionally deal with the negativity that came from the people that were inside his own home. He didn't have to go far to find someone that hated him. Someone that was jealous of him. Someone who preferred to see him fail than succeed. I can imagine having to live in that type of environment on a daily basis was an emotional roller coaster. Even if he could feel the love from his father, because he was "daddy's favorite", that "love" had to be pretty warped. I thought if someone loved you, they truly loved you, they want to best for you regardless. And when Joseph told his father about his dream, his father joked him. I bet his father made him feel small. Made him seem like that kind of dream will NEVER happen and was ridiculous.

Its amazing how much this happens in the 21st century family. So many families are getting bigger because they are blended. There tend to be favorites in the mix, inadvertently or not. Things are tolerated in one and not in the other. Things are easier to "accept" in one and not in another. Or somehow someone is outcast. The one with the least amount of attention. Inadvertently or not.

But let me tell you what I admire so much about Joseph. It was his drive to live. His desire to thrive. His resilience. His patience. He may have been sad that these things happened to him. He may have been lost about WHY his own brothers would do this to him. But he didn't seen to dwell on it. His focus shifted to his faith. He didn't stay stuck in anger about what happened and carry it every day killing his faith like so many of us do now. He didn't dwell on the fact that his own brothers hated him enough to get rid of him, so he may as well die or kill himself. His family seemed good for nothing.

If you read on in the story, the chain of events that happened to him. The evil plots put together by his own brothers, unbeknownst to their father. They "got rid" of Joseph and lied to their father by telling him that Joseph had been killed by some animal. But they only removed Joseph from the area. But after a few mishaps, they also believed him dead, but this time it was accidentally but by their own doing! They believed that he was killed when they truly just meant to make him disappear.

How many times do we wish someone would just disappear from our lives? We don't usually wish for someone to die, but can't deny that many of us have wished that some people would just disappear. I know over my lifetime, I can think of many times I wished someone would just disappear! Before my salvation AND even after. It's a flesh thought. Don't be embarrassed or ashamed of it.

So, the brothers all thought that their lives might be so much better if they just got rid of him. I believe that maybe they thought that their father would love them more if they didn't have to compete for the attention and love that he was giving Joseph. It's amazing what jealousy can get you to do.

But they didn't kill Joseph. In this case, his family was Good for Everything and they were a necessary tool to put Joseph in place to receive the call that he had on his life that he didn't even know about. He had to endure some things. Some hard things. But he kept his faith through it all. He didn't seem to harbor any hate or ill will toward his brothers. You read the story and see all the things Joseph had to go through. I bet we couldn't endure those things. But if we relied on God like he did and kept our Faith throughout just like he did, and made sure to focus on the right things just like he did, I can then guarantee that we could succeed just like Joseph did as long as it was God's will. And in this case, it was absolutely God's will. And God really worked it out for the Good of Joseph whom loved Him. Who loved him with a love that his father could never love him with. The true love. God said Joseph was worth loving and raising to a wonderful place. Even after his own natural family had already reminded him of what he would never do. THAT'S My God.

I love you all! Be Blessed!


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