The Struggle Is Real.....
Psalm 118:5 When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD; he brought me into a spacious place. Sometimes in our lives, we go through. And I'm for real. We really GO THROUGH. Whether it's in finances. Living paycheck to paycheck. Making things stretch as far as they will go. And then its summer vacation the kids are home. They are eating you out of house and home which is NOT in the budget. Believe me, I know. The financial struggle is real. Or if that's not your issue, there is the general behavior of the kids. They are acting a fool. Being defiant for absolutely no reason. Things they are doing make absolutely no sense to you. People always say how wonderful having kids is. And it really is. But everyone seems to skip this section of parenting. It's not that hard to follow just a few rules, right? Believe me. I know. The struggle in parenting is very real. Or if that's not your issue either, you are just slam tired of this every day job. You may be g...