Yes! I AM a DIVA!

Hey Family,

I know by this title, you are probably thinking "Dang, Ana done went back to her vanity days!" Nah. Not that the sin of vanity cannot fall back on me. Because at any moment, on any good day, like any other person, I can easily fall back into it. But I'm a fighter that refuses to lose. And that is a fight that I will fight everyday to be sure that I don't inadvertently fall BACK into it. Just like many of you are fighting to continue to be free from your old sins. Whether it be drinking, sex sin, lying, pride, or something even as simple as lack of self confidence. It IS a 24x7 fight. But it's a fight worth fighting.

But I'm here today to tell you that I Am A DIVA. And after I explain it, I'm hope you will be able to come out of this, saying exactly that. I hope I get tons of emails and texts from those who believe this with me, saying "I Am A DIVA!". Because if i'm the only one that feels this way, then what am I doing this for?

"So, if it's not linked to vanity, what are you talking about Ana?" Well, let me tell you. And as you read this, please take it personally. Every time you read "I", speak it of yourself. Make it personal to you.
I am a person who is DEVOTED to God.

Psalm 119:45
I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments.

God wants me to be Devoted to Him no matter what. His word confirms that He will take care of me if I just stay Devoted to Him. This verse reminds me of what I will have if I walk in devotion to Him. I WILL BE ABLE TO WALK IN FREEDOM. Free from my old stinking tail attitude. Free from my old vanity. Free from all of my old sins that I declared to be freed from.

1 Corinthians 15:54
So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”

This scripture gives me so much Confidence in God!!! I know that if I stay Incorruptible then I will ALWAYS be Victorious! There is no way that I can NOT be Victorious, if I'm being Incorruptible! They go hand in hand! Amazing! Not quite sure what incorruptible means? Lets Ask Webster's what Incorruptible means:
  • incapable of corruption: as
  1. not subject to decay or dissolution
  2. incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted
Does that settle it for you? It confirmed it for me!
I am a person who is ATTENTIVE.

1Kings 8:61 MSG
And you, your lives must be totally obedient to God, our personal God, following the life path he has cleared, alert and attentive to everything he has made plain this day.

There is no way that I can be attentive to my family, friends or your needs if i'm not Attentive to the word of God spoken to me through the bible or from Him through the Holy Spirit. Therefore, if I am willing to accept the call on my life, I must be Attentive to Him. And as i'm becoming more and more attentive to Him, I must continue to learn how to be more and more unmoved by any distractions the enemy may send my way. And please beware, the enemy will send them our way when we declare anything.

So now that you see this acronym, Are You a DIVA? I Know I Am. I will declare it Daily. 

I Am A DIVA. I am a Devoted, Incorruptible, Victorious and Attentive Woman of God!!!!!

I Love You All!!!!! Be Blessed!!!!!


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