Whew!!! Feels So Goooood!!!

Hey Family,

I was just having a conversation with someone about life.... I mentioned that not everything that feels good, is good for you. The thing is that it's so hard for worldly people to understand that concept. You see, today's world has become so accepting of.... well, literally, EVERYTHING. And it's easy to roll with what the world accepts because if you do, then you are always with the "Majority" of people...

You see, there is a large group of people that feel that eating fast food everyday, as one meal is the greatest. I mean, there was a time that I was in that group. I had to have my sausage, egg & cheese croissant and coffee from a certain place every day. Well, it was goooooood!!!!! But there was a very large group that was in agreement with me.

There is a large group of people that feel good getting home after work and cracking open that beer. Then they could have as many as they wanted for the rest of the night. As long as they could get up and go to work the next day... I know I was one of those people too. I mean, I was of age, and drinking is legal. So what's wrong with it?

There is a large group of people that feel good smoking cigarettes. Wake up in the morning, smoke... driving to work, smoking... get to work, take several breaks to smoke... get in the car to go home, smoking... crack open the beer, and light up a cigarette to smoke, and another and another and another... Have a drink, light a cigarette. Light a cigarette, have a coffee..... I know it, that was me too.

There is a large group of people that feel good in same sex relationships. Heck, it's not illegal. And it is a very accepted, and it is a very supportive and encouraging thing in the world today. It feels so good to be part of a group that allows you to lose your inhibitions and do what's popular and have you think that it's part of human nature and part of who you are. There is a freedom in that kind of thinking and atmosphere that feels amazing too... It's an inexplicable kind of freedom.

These are just a few of the many many groups that exist to make people feel "good". The thing is that, although it feels soooo gooooood, it doesn't make it right. All these things are detrimental to yourself in some way. The constant eating of fast food not only eats away at your pockets, but it can also affect your health. Don't think so? Buy a dozen eggs and some sausage and cheese. Make your own croissants and eat from home just 4 out of those 7 days a week for 30 days. What have you got to lose? You are saving some money immediately, and making breakfast yourself.

The constant drinking may feel great, but it's not only eating at your pockets as well but it's a modification of who you are, your personality. If you don't believe it affects you in any way, try changing that beer for lemon water or cucumber water for 30 days. What do you have to lose? You said it yourself, it doesn't change you in any way, so you won't miss anything.

The constant smoking is a relaxation thing.... If you want to feel yourself relax for real, change a few habits.... when you get home, lock yourself in your bedroom for 1-2 minutes to exhale rather than lighting up..... I know, the family is about to come to you with their stories, complaints, frustrations, requests and even demands.... you think I don't know??? When you are in that room for those couple of minutes, you can be reading a couple of preselected scriptures that will program your mind and heart to be able to deal with what is about to come at you when you open that door. Then after you do, have some good praise music playing in your headset so your feathers don't get ruffled. If you are really brave, play the music out in the open for everyone to be able to hear. That will slowly change the atmosphere in your home, making you less likely to want to light up as often. Try this for 30 days and see how much less you smoke... What do you have to lose? Really?

Those relationships feel so good. To be loved and accepted and wanted, no matter your gender. And the attractions are so confusing. But if you know you are one of those in this category, or know someone in this category, take the 30 day test here too. Leave those relationships and the atmospheres that "encourage" this lifestyle for 30 days. And when you begin to have those feelings and attractions and temptations, take them to God. Now I don't mean just go pray. I'm a firm believer that prayer alone isn't going to help someone dealing with strong temptations. This goes for ALL the previously mentioned behaviors. But get in the word. Allow God to show you His TRUE Love for you, and his sweet conviction, and His loving mercy, and His amazing Grace. Allow Him to reveal Himself to you through His word. Do this for 30 days and see how different you truly feel.

No, no one will be permanently be "cured" of these behaviors with just these challenges. But its something to show you just how much can be done in a short period of time if you are just curious enough about whether or not this is something you can really do. Believe me, there are days where I suddenly want to cuss someone out and then a cigarette just because I have gotten mad enough about something. There are days where I've had a hard enough day at work, or just at home with family, and I just want to get that drink before I lose it. Many days I want to say forget all this. I am sick and tired of wondering if God is hearing my prayers. But that is nothing but my flesh trying to "feel good". And I know it. It's that quick fix. Just wanting to feel good right now. But I don't want that quick fix anymore. I want the long term good feeling. Healthy, mentally stable, no regrets. So if that's what you would like too, challenge yourself. PRIVATELY. You don't have to tell a single person about you taking the challenge. You don't need to have someone partner with you. This is a challenge that you accept on your own if you truly honestly want to FEEL GOOOD and be Righteous while you are feeling good.

I love you all so much and pray you all want to be Righteous in your minds, hearts, bodies and before God as well, all while truly FEELING GOOD. I know I want that for my immediate family, and it always starts with me.



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