Happy New...!!!


We made it!!!!!!!!! We got thru 2017 didn't we!!!!! Whether it be By Grace or by the skin of our teeth, WE MADE IT!!

I spent the bulk of 1/1/2018 in bed. I slept until 11am for the first time in a VERY long time. And even after that, I just didn't have a desire to get up. It wasn't a depressed type of feeling. I just wanted to take the day to relax. Exhale. You see, there were many times in 2017 where I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. It was literally nothing but Faith, Praise and Worship that carried me through many days. And, to be completely transparent, I doubted. Many times. It was a great many days I wondered "what in the world God?? What is this for?? You have GOT to be kidding me?? God i'm sure I can't take anymore.". But you know what? I made it. AND SO DID YOU!!! That really felt like a real example of God not giving me more than I could bear. I truly felt like I was done, but each time I was pushed to the edge, I didn't break. Yea I was about to, but I didn't. And if you are still reading this, looks like you didn't break either.

So, what are you going to do differently in 2018? What can you do in 2018, so you don't have a repeat of 2017? I don't know about you, but there is not a fiber in me that is willing to deal with a single bit of what I dealt with in 2017, in my 2018. I just refuse to.

I don't know about you, but i'm going into 2018 in Defensive Mode. I'm going into 2018 in Battle Mode. The enemy cannot take a single thing from me anymore that I do not willingly give. Not one more time will the enemy steal any more peace from my life. Not another moment will I entertain the statements of "Not Being Good Enough" for this or that. Not another moment will I entertain the lies about being less than someone else. Not another moment will I stand back AFRAID to step forward in something because i'm "afraid". Either of an outcome, a reaction, or because I may look just plain old crazy. I can't give up anything else. I can't afford to. I was left with very little of many of the virtues that God gave me because I misused it. Because I left things unprotected. Because I let my guard down. But not in 2018.

What changes are you making for yourself so that your 2018 does not follow in the patterns that existed in 2017?

I love you all!! Be Blessed!!!!!



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