Trying To Be Me... 2018

Hi family,
I came across a great man, Willie Moore Jr's message for 2018. Besides the fact that I felt like he peeked a lil in my life, the advice and testimony he gave was just real. And I wanted to share it with you.

Here is where you can follow him on all his social media too.
@pwillie1 and @wmjshow twitter
@williemoorejrlive facebook

Remember family, 2018 is about you. The real you. I'm trying to be my 100% authentic me. Not that I don't care what people think of me, but my actions will not be held back because of what someone may think. My goals cannot be softened because someone may think I look crazy. And what I know that God says TO me won't be doubted because someone says "Are you sure God told you that?". If we can all get there (without the "extra" attitudes) we can all be so much better individually. Yesterday I challenged you all. Today I challenge US. I know God wants to bless the REAL me. Not the me that everyone is "comfortable" seeing. The simple quiet girl. Those layers will be peeled away and the real me will be presented. Hope to "re-meet" you all again soon.

I love you all!!! Be Blessed!!!!


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