Hey Family,
I was included in a special text message a couple of weeks ago giving an eye opening story. It really makes me think. And especially, about your parenting of teen kids. But it made me smile too. I'm not going to change a word of the message. I feel like it's in it's most simplified wording as it is, so I will just quote it for you.
That message couldn't be any simpler. We try to "save" our kids and other family members from falling or experiencing pain every time we see "imminent" danger. Not realizing that is an experience that may be necessary for their own growth. We try to rescue our family members from making the same mistakes we did, but fact of the matter is sometimes all we can do is give them advice, and then pray for them. They have their OWN decisions to make. It's part of their process.
For example, this weekend Sami was having a blast jumping from couch to couch (as usual). I kept telling her to stop doing that because she was going to fall. She ran back and forth having the best time no matter how many warnings I gave her. Then I watched her as she was trying a new strategy, by slowing down to go back from one couch to the next, but she realized a little too late that she couldn't quite stretch her whole body from one couch to the other (she was on her knees and reaching for the other couch with her hands). But when she realized it, it was a little too late and she had lost her balance. She fell head first and bumped her forehead on the side of the couch that she was reaching for. Luckily it's cushioned or I wouldn't have let her experience this mistake. I was not up for a trip to urgent care on Fathers Day weekend.
When she realized that her master plan didn't work, she picked herself up, grabbed her forehead, looked at me, and the tears came. She was fine, but my point is, me repeatedly telling her to stop, and warning her about the risk of falling, wasn't going to do a single thing for her. She needed to EXPERIENCE the fall for herself to realize it on her own. Imagine if I would have grabbed her and sat her down on the couch and said don't move, she wouldn't have experienced what it's like to have a "perfect plan" not work regardless of whatever advice she kept hearing. She would not have experienced what it's like to learn NOT to make that mistake again. Sometimes, we have to let people fall, and fall enough times, in order to allow them the experience to grow and learn from falling. Here's another thought for you.
I was included in a special text message a couple of weeks ago giving an eye opening story. It really makes me think. And especially, about your parenting of teen kids. But it made me smile too. I'm not going to change a word of the message. I feel like it's in it's most simplified wording as it is, so I will just quote it for you.
"Why do our kids (or family members) not appreciate all we do for them? Answer: Us.
I heard a story that was like shock therapy to me... There was a caterpillar that had transitioned into a cocoon. This little boy saw it and cut the cocoon open to 'save' the caterpillar. The caterpillar ended up dying a caterpillar. Many times we 'save' our kids or family members, not realizing they are going through a needed process. Had the little boy allowed the transition, that caterpillar would have blossomed into a beautiful butterfly. I challenge us all to allow the process. It's not comfortable to watch but let's allow our loved ones to become and live as the butterflies they deserve to be.
Be Blessed, Reggie."
That message couldn't be any simpler. We try to "save" our kids and other family members from falling or experiencing pain every time we see "imminent" danger. Not realizing that is an experience that may be necessary for their own growth. We try to rescue our family members from making the same mistakes we did, but fact of the matter is sometimes all we can do is give them advice, and then pray for them. They have their OWN decisions to make. It's part of their process.
For example, this weekend Sami was having a blast jumping from couch to couch (as usual). I kept telling her to stop doing that because she was going to fall. She ran back and forth having the best time no matter how many warnings I gave her. Then I watched her as she was trying a new strategy, by slowing down to go back from one couch to the next, but she realized a little too late that she couldn't quite stretch her whole body from one couch to the other (she was on her knees and reaching for the other couch with her hands). But when she realized it, it was a little too late and she had lost her balance. She fell head first and bumped her forehead on the side of the couch that she was reaching for. Luckily it's cushioned or I wouldn't have let her experience this mistake. I was not up for a trip to urgent care on Fathers Day weekend.
When she realized that her master plan didn't work, she picked herself up, grabbed her forehead, looked at me, and the tears came. She was fine, but my point is, me repeatedly telling her to stop, and warning her about the risk of falling, wasn't going to do a single thing for her. She needed to EXPERIENCE the fall for herself to realize it on her own. Imagine if I would have grabbed her and sat her down on the couch and said don't move, she wouldn't have experienced what it's like to have a "perfect plan" not work regardless of whatever advice she kept hearing. She would not have experienced what it's like to learn NOT to make that mistake again. Sometimes, we have to let people fall, and fall enough times, in order to allow them the experience to grow and learn from falling. Here's another thought for you.
Thought of the Day: If You Don't Fall, How Can You Appreciate Standing?
So as you see that "imminent danger" our family is about to fall into, Yes, Give those warnings! Give your testimony about how you've been there before and what you did to get through! They all need that!!! WE all need that!!! But IF by chance, the choice they make still lands them falling in that imminent danger, remember, it's part of their journey. Part of their testimony. Part of what's making them into that Beautiful Butterfly.
Psalm 37:24 NLT
Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.
Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.
Romans 3:23 NLT
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.
Proverbs 24:16a NLT
The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.
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