Hi Family!!
I've been going through some things lately
that have had me in a place where I've had to Forgive. Some to forgive easily.
Some turned out to not be so easy. But regardless of whether it is hard for you
or not, it is necessary. It's not necessary for the person you are forgiving,
but it's necessary for YOU.
If I walk around in unforgiveness, not
only am I using up my own emotional strength in frustration, hurt, pain,
disappointment, or whatever other feelings I may or may not have. Not only is
it the emotional strength that is being used, but also mental strength. I talk
about these things, and I know there are people that are like "what is she
talking about?". So let me give you an example that has been debated for a
long time.
A person that works a physical job 9
hour days can be just as tired as a person that is working 9 hours a day
sitting at a computer. The person that is working the physical job is tired, in
their body due to the physical wear and tear on their body. The person that had
to work the desk job is tired in their mind and emotions because of all the
thinking that needs to be done in problem solving or issue resolutions or
customer service experiences they may be responsible for. So that is
what I mean about the type of energy that is exerted when you have
something on your heart and mind.
So as you can see, walking around in
unforgiveness is like walking around in your own bubble. Some people will have
put themselves in that bubble thinking that the purpose it to protect
themselves. And that may be true, but in that bubble they are keeping all those
emotions in also.
And you may be walking around in False
Forgiveness. If you can say "I forgave" but find yourself still
walking in bitterness or resentment, then you haven't truly forgiven. For
example, this type of person says something like "Nah, I'm good with them.
I'm not mad at all." or "It's whatever." or "It is what it
is. I'm good." If you catch yourself saying that, you may be walking in
False Forgiveness.
So remember, Forgiveness is not to release
the other person from what they did to you. Usually that person has moved on
with their lives and forgotten about you and what upset you. It's for you. I
love the quote that Nelson Mandela said. He put it perfectly.
"Resentment is like drinking poison,
then hoping it will kill your enemies."
Can't quite put it any clearer in my book.
I won't go into all the statistics of what bitterness, resentment and
unforgiveness do to your health. I will leave that up to you to look up. But
I'll tell you what the Word says about it.
Here are a few scriptures for how to deal
with someone that you HAVE to work with or see regularly. How to handle some
sort of relationship with them.
Romans 12:19-20 NLT says
Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave
that to the righteous anger of God. For the scriptures say "I will take
revenge; I will pay them back" says the Lord. Instead, "If your
enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to
drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their
Here is a scripture for how to forgive
someone that really doesn't think they did anything wrong to you.
Luke 23:34a NLT says
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them,
for they don't know what they are doing."
Maybe you did something wrong in response to someone doing
something wrong to you. That's never good, but there is a scripture that can
help you in that too. You see, you want to ask for forgiveness, but what about
the forgiveness you are to give the one who wronged you? Yea, there is one for
this situation too.
Matthew 6:14-15 NLT says
If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly
Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will
not forgive your sins.
You see, forgiveness is necessary in life.
And whether you attach your faith to one of these scriptures, or you can
connect with the quote by Nelson Mandela does not matter. Forgiveness does not mean that you are ready or willing to put yourself back in a position to be hurt again. It only means that no matter what decisions you decide to make from that moment, you are willing NOT to dwell on it or hold the other responsible (in a sense) of what happened. Free yourself from
the hurts of others, so you can work on moving forward in a mentally, emotionally and
spiritually healthy way.
I love you all! Be Blessed!!!
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