Going To Trial
Hey There
I was just
talking about something with my boss and it struck me a little. It made me
think about some things. I went and took my walk and a scripture popped in my
mind as I prayed.
Matthew 7:20 KJV
Wherefore by their fruits ye
shall know them.
What fruits
do people see from my life? I guess this goes back to my last few posts about
Who Am I and Who Am I, Really. If I don’t know who I am, how can I know what
kind of fruits SHOULD be falling from me?
But the
question that was mentioned went deeper than that. It made me think about the
immigration issues we are going through. All that are facing deportation are “known”
for some reason. They speak another language. They work certain types of jobs.
They dress certain ways. In those cases, that’s their “fruit”.
But it's not limited to deportations. It's everything. A harlot is known for sleeping around. An adulterer is known for not sleeping in their own bed/with their own spouse. A liar is known by their stories. A criminal is known by the crime. An addict is known by their addiction whether it be drugs, alcohol, fame, people, whatever the addiction is. Lets look at another version of the same scripture.
But it's not limited to deportations. It's everything. A harlot is known for sleeping around. An adulterer is known for not sleeping in their own bed/with their own spouse. A liar is known by their stories. A criminal is known by the crime. An addict is known by their addiction whether it be drugs, alcohol, fame, people, whatever the addiction is. Lets look at another version of the same scripture.
Matthew 7:20 NLT
Yes, just as you can
identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.
So I started
thinking about court cases. I remembered a trial a few years ago where I was part of the Jury.
Unfortunately, it was a murder trial and one of the things that I remember them
repeating over and over was “the person on trial here is believed to have
committed murder, and we are going to show you some things and you must
determine his guilt Beyond A Reasonable Doubt”. So you could not be on
the fence when you came back with your decision. You needed to have looked at the
details that were presented (the fruit) among other details, in order to be
more than “pretty sure”. Even if we could not put a murder weapon in the hand
of the person on trial, I had to be certain “beyond a reasonable doubt” that
he/she did what they were accused of. That’s pretty sure if you ask me.
So the
question that was brought to me that I now bring to you is for your own
thoughts. It is for you to sit back and take a look at yourselves. Not only
will it help in our questions of “Who Am I, Really”, but it will help you
determine your place in God. It will help you see if you have work to do. Maybe
you are farther than you thought you were. Maybe you aren’t as far as you
thought you were. Either way, this question is for each individual person and
for no one else. What you find is between you and God. Ask God to search your
heart and reveal His findings to you. Just be prepared for what He tells you
that He found. It’s not always an easy pill to swallow.
The question
was this:
If a roundup was performed in the state, arresting all the people
suspected of being Christians, How certain is it that you would be convicted?
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