Your Enemy Can't Swim

Hi Family,

So, many of us have had some serious drama and turmoil in our recent pasts. It seems that whether it was self-inflicted, or the enemy just was causing raucous in our lives, it was anything but easy. For some, it was drama after drama after drama. For others it seemed to have a break in between where they could come up for air and take a breath before the next gut punch happened. And for some, it seemed like a mix of both those scenarios. I will say, personally, I was in the group that had a mix of both. But while I’m in this season of “coming up for air”, I can look back and what I see is strategy. You see, that enemy brought a whole lot. And when I look at the events that happened and the order that they took place, I can truly see a strategic wearing that was going on. I have never seen that before. Heard about it, yes. But I had never quite seen it. Maybe it’s because I can’t see anyone else’s life. And now that it went on in mine, I can take sobering that look back. I truly stopped and said “Dang enemy, you’s a crafty lil thing ain’t you?” But the thing is that I’ve learned to speak the truth and then state the facts after it. So, after I said that truth to the enemy. I had to state the facts…

“Yea you’s a crafty lil thing. I was jacked ALL the way up. But MY GOD had my back. MY GOD already had preparation for me. MY GOD knew where I was frail; it wasn’t just you who knew! And MY GOD had preparation for me in that area too. Yea, you threw some good punches out there and yea, they hurt so bad, but guess what… I got some Tag Team partners and in my tears I tagged some of them in. It’s funny, because you didn’t expect me to lose another measure of Pride and be able to call out to my sisters while I was hurt. You planned on me feel shame for those issues. You bet on pride to rise up in me. But it didn’t. What’s amazing is that you were attacking some of them at the same time you were attacking me! You really thought that you had us all broken down. But the thing is, sometimes we can’t always fight for ourselves, but something happens when we realize that you have messed with family. That is where you got it twisted enemy. Cause when you thought you had me broken, I found out you were messing with my other sister life. And aww no, I jumped in that fight. And then I told my other sister that you were messing with me. Aw, you done messed up there too. She got her guns up, and she started tearing you down from the other side. You just can’t win enemy. Sorry. THOSE are the facts.”

I was reading last night in Exodus and something hit me. It reminded me of all the trials after trials that we all had/have been going through. It reminded me of the Victories we’ve won, and the Victories we all have yet to win. It reminded me of WHO gives us the Victory.  You see, those trials feel never ending. They did for me. Still do. They show up out of the blue. The straight sucker punch, and then it’s like it goes on forever and ever. Then they disappear suddenly. You realize that all you had to do was stay calm and endure. I’m in that stage now. Staying calm and enduring. I will not be moved. I will not be afraid. I will not submit to panic, aggravation or frustration or rage. Although it may look like I’m ignoring the situation or not reacting the way someone may expect, it’s because I’m learning to be ACTIVE in Faith, rather than in active in emotion and logic. You see, when you are active in Faith, you don’t see it, but God is working for you behind the scenes. In the ways you can’t see. But then “Suddenly” (my favorite word) all the drama and trails are gone and everything is ok. And you look back for a while… and suddenly, Praise God.

Exodus 15:9-11 MSG

9 The enemy spoke,
        “I’ll pursue, I’ll hunt them down,
    I’ll divide up the plunder,
        I’ll glut myself on them;
    I’ll pull out my sword,
        my fist will send them reeling.”

10-11 You blew with all Your might
        and the sea covered them.
    They sank like a lead weight
        in the majestic waters.
    Who compares with you
        among gods, O God?
    Who compares with you in power,
        in holy majesty,
    in awesome praises,
        wonder-working God?

You see, when you are active in your faith, God Himself, will fight for you. When you see no way out of your situation, when your back is up against the wall, He will open up a door for you. You can walk through, and HE will shut your enemies out where they will never hurt you ever again. You may have a different kind of enemy that may come at you through this new door. But the ones you just escaped from are gone. Don’t forget,many are the afflictions of the righteous, but The LORD delivers him from them all (Psalms 34:19)And all you need to remember when that new enemy comes is “If He made a way for me in that last trial, when I could do NOTHING for myself, when I had no one I could count on, when there was no friend to help me. God was there. He did it then, and He will do it again.” 

If you are not a bible scholar, let me tell you what was going on in that time of Exodus 15:9-11. The Israelites were in the wilderness. God had just rescued them from the slavery in Egypt. But Pharaoh decided to pursue them after changing his mind about having let them go. The Israelites were now trapped between the Egyptians who were pursing them to capture them and bring them back to slavery, and the Red Sea. What seems like the inevitable to them required a miracle. Better known as a God Work! Sounds like their backs were against the wall to me. But God!!!!!! He opened a door THROUGH the Red Sea, and when the Egyptians figured “if they can do it, so can we”, God Said No Sir!!! And He shut that door on those Egyptians never to be seen again. They drowned in that Red Sea. Verses 9-11 above was the Praise they sang after that Victory.

If you continue reading after that, you will find that, like you, they had other trials they had to endure after that as well. But what we must learn from their example is NOT to forget the trials and Victories the Lord has brought us through already. Don’t forget about that big thing that seemed impossible that HE was there for. Don’t forget about that time where your family and friends couldn’t help you, but somehow God made a way. And surely don’t forget about that last thing HE JUST brought you out of. Don’t you forget.

He will part the Red Sea for you because He loves you. And guess what, your enemies can’t swim. Especially in a Sea that our God has just parted specifically for the one He loves. You and Me. That brings a smile to my face and hope to my heart. I hope it brings a smile and hope to yours as well.

I love you all! Be Blessed!!!


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