What Is God Revealing To You?

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Hello Family,

     I heard something the other day that really stuck in my spirit. And since I heard it, I've been seeing so many examples that prove it to be true. In others. In me. Even in my home. It's a crazy kind of revelation. And probably the hardest for me. Anytime that God reveals something to you is amazing, but it's a different kind of amazing when He is revealing you, to yourself, in the process. But the beauty of it, and the strength, is in "facing the music" when it's revealed.

“Other people don’t create your spirit; they only reveal it.”
- Dr Henry Brandt

     God had me think of things that we all have said and done before. But before I mention anything that anyone may feel any kind of condemnation for, let me remind you of how imperfect I am. It's commanded in the Bible in Leviticus 5:5  "When you become aware of your guilt in any of these ways, you must confess your sin." That is why I am starting by exposing Ana once again.

     I've caught myself many times saying "Them kids make me crazy!", nah that's not true. That just means that within my spirit, I have lack of patience and love. And God revealed that to me.

     I've caught myself on occasion thinking to myself "I must really be an idiot, Reggie STAYS correcting me about everything." but that's not true. I'm not an idiot, but there is a certain lack of self-confidence in my spirit.

    I have caught myself on occasion thinking to myself "Think quick Ana or you'll be messed up in this problem!" but that's not necessary. Why would I be messed up? Why would I think that way? Because I had a spirit that looked to please Man in things, rather than God. And that happened in many areas of my life, from work, to dealing with my parents and even to my marriage.

     What have you said or done in your life that can reveal to you what's in your spirit? Do you get frustrated with people and blame it on them?  Nah, they didn't make you angry, or jealous, or envious, or even sick. Do you wake up and start fussing about your day TO COME? You might have a complaining negative spirit, lacking true Faith.  It's been said "Its not what happens to you, but how you react that matters."  And that is such a true statement. To me, it seems the Word also backs up.

     Proverbs 27:19   As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.
     Matthew 15:18 But the words you speak come from the heart - that's what defiles you.
And Lastly...
     Luke 6:45   A good person produces good things from the treasure of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the Treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.

What is in your heart?  Pay attention to what gets you going next time, and see what God reveals to you in that instance. But be ready, you may not want to believe what He tells you, but Our God is not a man that He should lie. And if He reveals something to you, its only to make you better. 

I love you all!!! Be Blessed!!!!


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