Tribute to My Tio

My Beautiful Tio Manuel (Uncle Manuel)
This week I lost you. Something I never expected to happen.
You just went away on us. No notice. No warning.
Our hearts and lives turned upside down 
at the sound of someone's voice on a phone call on a beautiful day. 

You had been sick a while. Yea, I get it, our time comes.
But there were so many ups and downs over the years, 
I guess I thought we'd always get notice that you were not well again... 
At least before you went away.

But i'm not mad about it at all. 
I'm not mad that I didn't get a chance to see you alive.
God obviously didn't want me to see you that sick. 
Because even when we tried to get to you, 
you were already moving back to Puerto Rico. 
So I'm Grateful.

I was told, that by that time, 
you couldn't remember who the person was that you were looking at.
I guess early alzheimers started to take hold of you.
I'm honest with myself, if you didn't remember me, I would've been broken.
I couldn't take that. I love you so much that you not knowing me
would have crushed my soul. I have too many memories 
over so many years for you not to remember me. 
Erika. Your niece. Your God-daughter.
Maybe it's selfish of me to say that. I don't know. But i'm still grateful.

One things for sure, My best and most favorite memories, always had us all
together, with music playing. Mersi dancing with mommy. And me dancing with 
Titi Berta. You and daddy were always talking about whatever you talked 
about on the couch or at the dining table.
People would be over at the house. Not a single person was bored. Every child
was playing. Everyone was always happy to be together until we couldn't stay up anymore.
Those were the best times. And i'll always cherish those times.

These years, you couldn't do any of that. So I know and i'm so excited
 that as you transition to heaven and you get yourself settled with Jesus, 
That you are happy. And that you realize that you have a full body again
and that you are completely healthy there. We hurt, yes, but we will be okay.
God has us and our hearts. And knowing you are in the best place ever is
complete peace and comfort for us. 

I pray you remember this song, you smile and you laugh. Because it reminds me 
of the great times with you and the rest of our family.

I love you Tio Manuel. I always will. You are another Cardona treasure.
We will miss you always.

God, Enjoy My Uncle!!!! He's AWESOME!!!!!


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