A Needed Holiday
Hey family! I know, the dead has risen. Lol! You sound like my mother. But everyone needs some time to deal with life right? Even me. Well, we are about a year into "that life". You know the life i'm talking about. The one where you "can't go" to work, if your lucky enough to still have one to go to. You "can't go" to church. Your kids or even you "can't go" to school. You "can't go" to visit your friends or family because you don't want to inadvertently transmit anything to them or even pick up something yourself. God forbid, you inadvertently pick something up and bring it home to your own family... Crisis. This is the year of "You Can't". Pandemic2020 = You Can't = If you weren't parented before you have been now. Because "You Can't". "Why?" says your inner 3 year old self. Because the Governor said so. Because the CDC said so. Because someone somewhere is trying ...